Site suggestion

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Matt Jadud

May 22, 2012, 7:00:30 PM5/22/12
ACTION: None required. Just an FYI/food for thought.

Hi all,

Two things: organization, and website.


I've created a Github organization called "craftofelectronics." This
seemed like a good idea: it gathers all of the work under one space on
Github. I forked in the special projects request and the website.

At the moment, Mel and Sebastian have full access as organization
owners. We can add additional people in as owners (if that makes
sense) or just add them to individual repositories (which probably
makes more sense).

This gives us a wiki and issue tracker for the project overall, plus
the ability to have per-project (read: repository) wikis/trackers.
Seems like a good thing.


I've done the following:

1. Forked the repos.
2. Set it up using Jekyll, making it ready for Github Pages.
3. Integrated this with Twitter Bootstrap.
4. Found a theme that looks less like Twitter.

It currently sits at:

When pushing to this repos, it automatically updates that page. On my
Mac, I can do:

jekyll --server 8080

to view the site locally, and know that it will "work" when it gets to Github.

If we want to use Github to host the "www" portion of the site, then
we can set up a redirect (CNAME) for the site. This would eliminate
the need to actually push changes to a secondary host. (We just did
this for, and are pretty happy with the idea.)

Other benefits include:
* Anyone with access can update the site (yay!) with version control (yay!)
* The entire site can be forked (yay!)
* Something else that I've forgotten.

Righto. The not-so-well toddler has woken up. Enough playing around on the WWW.

(Ah. That was benefit #3: I want to use this for my course webpages
from now on, I think. Each course becomes a Github repository, they
can be forked/cloned, students can contribute using industry standard
tools, etc...)

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