Ardu See (prototype)

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Matt Jadud

Jul 3, 2012, 10:54:09 AM7/3/12
[ This message was just sent to I'm sending
it here as well, because it is very relevant to the CRAFToE work we're
doing. Blog post to follow. ]

Hi all,

[ TL;DR: It's a prototype visual environment. I have no idea if I've
just reinvented something we already had around. Is it worth pursuing
further, and who is interested? ]

I have a prototype drag-and-drop environment for the Arduino.

The source (*cough*) is in Github:

To save you digging through a pile:

1. The web interface is thrown together with WireIt, which is built on
the YUI library from Yahoo. Yahoo Pipes is built using this library.

2. The blocks in the interface are specified in JSON. For example, the
"Read Sensor" block specification looks like this:

"name": "Read Sensor",
"container": {
"xtype": "WireIt.FormContainer",
"title": "read_sensor",
"icon": "res/icons/application_edit.png",
"collapsible": true,
"fields": [
{"type": "select", "inputParams": {"label": "Pin", "name":
"1int", "selectValues": ["A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5"] } },
"terminals": [
{"name": "0out", "direction": [0,1], "offsetPosition":
{"left": 100, "bottom": -15}}
"legend": "Read my sensor and output its value."

There are some fragile things in here. For example, the names are
"0out" and "1int", which are how I'm encoding parameter order and
type. (But, the prototype is assuming that everything is an INT,
because it is 1) invisible to the user and 2) allows for a great deal
of flexibility.)

3. When you hit Load or Save, it pushes your data to

4. When you hit Run, it pushes a JSON representation of the graph to a
Node.JS server. (Why? Because it was the easiest thing I could find
that would serve both static content and an RPC call.)

5. The JSON server runs a small Scheme utility to 1) parse the JSON
and 2) spit out a piece of occam-pi. Given a JSON structure like this:

On In Range","value":{"1int":"2","2int":"0","3int":"100"},"config":{"position":["104","223"]}}],"wires":[{"src":{"moduleId":"0","terminal":"0out"},"tgt":{"moduleId":"1","terminal":"0in"}}],"properties":{"name":"","project":"","description":""}}}

it outputs

#INCLUDE "ardu-see-ardu-do.module"
PROC main1341326514 ()
CHAN INT wire01:
ReadSensor(A0, wire01!)
TurnOnInRange(2, 0, 100, wire01?)

6. For this to work, we have to implement each block in occam-pi.
That's not hard.

#INCLUDE "plumbing.module"


PROC ReadSensor (VAL INT pin, CHAN INT out!)
INT reading:
adc.base(, VCC, reading)
out ! (reading / 11)

PROC TurnOnInRange (VAL INT pin, min, max, CHAN INT in?)
INT value:
in ? value
(value >= min) AND (value <= max)
digital.write(pin, HIGH)
digital.write(pin, LOW)

7. The Node.JS server then invokes the toolchain and uploads things.
(My Mac environment for command-line building is poor, so really, I
should just be able to call "occbuild" and be done. But, that's not
how this script works at the moment.)

8. Upload is handled by avrdude. My Arduino is hardcoded in.

That's about it, really. It's a prototype. I put it together because
I'd like to teach an intro electronics course that has digital
electronics, but I'd rather not have to teach programming (per se).
Going to tools like Ardublocks or Modkit means a sequential world, and
students still have to wrestle through lots of details that are, quite
simply, unpleasant. (Or, if you prefer: if the course was primarily
and only about digital electronics and an introduction to programming,
I could probably fit a bit more programming instruction in... but, at
the moment, I suspect not.)

My question is: can we bring this around before September-ish? Specifically:

1. Can we put together something that runs on Mac and Windows?
(Ideally, all three.)
2. The JavaScript side is, for all intents and purposes, "done." That
is, adding new blocks is easy. Writing a bit of occam to represent the
block is likewise easy.
3. We can write the server in anything we like: a stand-alone Python
server that gets the job done works for me. I may explore whether it
is possible to easily get a (compiled) stand-alone server to run in
Scheme. If so, that would solve cross-platform packaging.
4. The user needs to find/specify the Arduino... somehow. I have some ideas.
5. Some error checking, somewhere, might be a good idea.

It would be nice to have something that leveraged our tools that
anyone could use to quickly explore the Arduino. The environment is
highly constrained, and allows me (as an educator) to limit what
students are able to do in sensible ways. Or, if you prefer, the
environment lets students focus on the circuit and the problem they're
trying to solve, and not get lost in details of the programming...
while allowing them to easily prototype systems with multiple sensors,
on multiple inputs, with multiple outputs.

That's enough writing. I'll probably put a blog post up on about this, which might be less
verbose, more conceptual, and clearer.

Many thanks,
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