Fwd: [sparklab2012] Fwd: [designkids] Arduino Unos for $5 off

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Mel Chua

Apr 11, 2012, 9:40:59 AM4/11/12
to craftofel...@googlegroups.com
Do we want cheap(er) arduino unos? Holla back quick if we should be
jumping in on this order.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [sparklab2012] Fwd: [designkids] Arduino Unos for $5 off
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 11:22:31 -0700
From: Jason Chua <jason...@stanford.edu>
To: te...@sparklab.us

Could these be useful for future workshops?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Jeff Kessler* <kess...@stanford.edu <mailto:kess...@stanford.edu>>
Date: Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 11:18 AM
Subject: [designkids] Arduino Unos for $5 off
To: desig...@lists.stanford.edu <mailto:desig...@lists.stanford.edu>

Hey d.kids!

I'm going to place a Sparkfun order for at least 160 Arduino Unos to
stock for my KickStarter project, TJ*, this week or next.

The good news: They're only $24 + about $1 shipping = $25 if I order
more than 100. This beats the retail of $30. Shoot me an email if
you'd like to get in on this!

Aaaand more info on TJ* here:

And if you'd like to get involved in the project, there's lots of fun
work to do, so give me a shout!

*Jeff Kessler*
MS Candidate // Stanford University
Mechanical Engineering // Mechatronics & Design

designkids mailing list
desig...@lists.stanford.edu <mailto:desig...@lists.stanford.edu>

twitter: http://twitter.com/the__initiative
our blog: http://designinitiative.posterous.com

Matt Jadud

Apr 11, 2012, 10:02:52 AM4/11/12
to craftofel...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 09:40, Mel Chua <m...@purdue.edu> wrote:
> Do we want cheap(er) arduino unos? Holla back quick if we should be jumping
> in on this order.

I suspect our 'n' will be... on the order of 20 or so. So, that's a
$100 savings... but, I don't really know what we'll want/need yet. In
short, I don't think the savings will be large enough to merit
pre-ordering without knowledge of how they'll be used.

Also, there are cheaper boards (eg. from Modern Device) that are
around $9 in quantities of 10 or more. So, getting a "cheaper Arduino"
is not so hard. At the end of the day, it's a 328p and some capacitors
and resistors. (Well, and an oscillator... but, you get my point.) So,
while this is a great pointer, I don't think we need to order with
(and make things more complex for them.)

That said, the TJ* could be a really cool part of a course (either E1 or E2).

I feel like I'm behind on my comms, somehow. Ah. Yes. Travel planning.
I am behind. I'll catch up today.



Apr 11, 2012, 3:54:00 PM4/11/12
to craftofel...@googlegroups.com

> ...but, I don't really know what we'll want/need yet. In short, I don't think the savings will be large enough to merit pre-ordering without knowledge of how they'll be used.

I agree.  We have money and the difference is small, so let's wait until Matt knows what he wants.  
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