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Have Chrome OS updates now stopped for the CR-48

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Andrew Lee

Apr 21, 2017, 2:31:18 AM4/21/17
to Cr-48 Test Pilots
I was checking my Cr-48, which my mother uses regularly, and which is in the Beta channel, and saw that it was on version 56.0.2924.87, which was announced on the Chrome Releases blog in early February.  The beta channel for Chromebooks is now up to version 58, and the Stable channel is up to version 57.  I also saw that that the version 56.0.2924.110 was announced for the Stable channel in late February, while the Beta channel had moved onto version 57 after the version on my Cr-48.  I switched my Cr-48 to the Stable channel, and it updated to version 56.0.2924.110 (and switching to the Stable channel also erased all user data, so I had to set it up again as if it were a new Chromebook.)

Has Google in fact stopped updating the Cr-48 now, and are these the latest versions available in the Stable and Beta channels, and does anyone know what version is in the Dev channel?



Apr 21, 2017, 10:26:08 AM4/21/17
to Cr-48 Test Pilots

I switched my Cr-48 to the Stable channel, and it updated to version 56.0.2924.110

Yup, that's the latest and possibly the last (stable channel) version for the Cr-48.

does anyone know what version is in the Dev channel?

Nope, I don't and I didn't keep track of it I'm afraid. 

You can check the latest versions for all channels on all CrOS devices here: 

 (and switching to the Stable channel also erased all user data, so I had to set it up again as if it were a new Chromebook.)

That's the normal intended behavior when switching to a more stable channel, it will trigger a 'powerwash'.

Has Google in fact stopped updating the Cr-48 now, and are these the latest versions available in the Stable and Beta channels

That looks to be the case but we haven't seen anything 'official' confirming it yet - that I know of.
Take a look at this ChromeUnboxed article that discusses it: 

It did reach its 'End Of Life' (EOL) or what's now called the 'Auto Update Expiration' (AUE) back in December 2015:

So I'm thankful for any updates but I do think it's on borrowed time, it's a little sad but definitely understandable.

I'm a Cr-48 owner also so I know what you're going through. :-(

On the bright side, there should be a ton of new Chromebooks to hit the shelves this year, the new Samsung Chromebook Plus seems to be garnering much acclaim.

Hope this helps,
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