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What parts are worth getting to keep her going?

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Mar 17, 2016, 11:52:57 AM3/17/16
to Cr-48 Test Pilots
Unless someone manages the impossible and replaces the CPU with something else (even going to a dual core would be helpful, I really wish this was something that could be done, oh well) we're basically stuck with using PCI-E devices to squeeze more life out of these now five year old machines that were underpowered at the start of their lifespans.

Getting a Broadcom 70015 decoder card seems like a good move given it alleviates headachs when browsing video.

Ditto with looking at other Wifi cards as A/C and 5ghz become more widespread. One of these cards seemed to even include bluetooth which is likely a newer version than what the board itself supports.

I have heard that installing a new SSD would also bring performance gains, but I don't know what sort of gains can be expected, and what I'd read is 2011 era so now a few years old on its own.

I just haven't seen a list of things that look like they'd be useful.

While yes you can use your phone/tablet as a bluetooth remote, I'm more a dedicated remote sorta guy (buttons!)

Tutorials on re-packing the battery with fresh cells?

Any good drop in screen replacements? Replacement Trackpads, keyboards? Can I just source those from spares intended for newer chromebooks and drop them in?

Apologies to the group, but the hardware is getting long in the tooth and I don't want to let it go because it relaly is a nice feeling bit of kit.

AdMan The Lab Rat

Mar 18, 2016, 8:23:35 AM3/18/16
to Cr-48 Test Pilots
We own 3, one has passed on and now become spare parts for the remaining 2 if and when parts meaning hinges are needed.

The surviving and thriving remaining two have been converted into discrete IP cams for our ad hoc security system.

Reminder to please not forget that those little CR-48's also have 3G capability built right in.

Don't stop Rocking!

No One

Dec 10, 2016, 11:59:34 AM12/10/16
to Cr-48 Test Pilots

All well-documented compatible parts.  
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