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Can connect to router but internet connection flaky

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Oct 24, 2013, 10:18:56 AM10/24/13
I've gone through windows xp, 7, 8, Ubuntu derivatives by the dozen, slackware, debian, arch, and even fiddle with gentoo. 

Windows connects straight away no problems and a rock solid connection.

Linux, no matter the kernal, takes a bit to connect (anywhere from a couple minutes to as long as a half hour, occasionally it'll connect straight on boot but that's rare.) Once connected though very stable/steady connection.

ChromeOS? Connects to router but internet connection is... at best splotchy. Dev mode/Shell tells me, if Ping is anything togo by, I'll get response from a few pings, drop a few more, get some hits, then drop either in clusters of three or four or as many as a dozen.

Ping on any other linux based OS gives a solid connection every time. Also if I have a connection then sleep mode seems to kill it, ditto with switching users (I'd originally tried waiting for Guest to get a connection, surf for a bit, then try signing on as Me.) Very annoying.

Had wanted to try doing nanowrimo this year using ChromeOS just to see if I could get it done.


Mar 17, 2016, 11:59:00 AM3/17/16
to Cr-48 Test Pilots
Just as a topic update, (thread necromancy GO!) the issue has been fixed. Dismantled my cr48, cleaned the connectors and the internal slots, plugged everything back in. Wifi is now rock solid.

AdMan The Lab Rat

Mar 18, 2016, 8:05:45 AM3/18/16
to Cr-48 Test Pilots
Happy to hear it, Rock on!
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