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Is the CR-48 no longer modifiable? Keep getting Partition is strange errors or unable to modify the flag for checking the OS due to error.

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Anthony Courchaine

Dec 26, 2015, 3:16:04 PM12/26/15
to Cr-48 Test Pilots
I have attempted following 2 separate documents for putting Ubuntu on the CR-48.  I have been using it for quite some time, I was actually like the 5th person to receive one.  Discovered developer mode switch, ctrl-d and a term using ctrl + alt + t within a few hours.  Posted my findings and have been running developer mode sense.  Finally got board with the default OS.  However it appears the SSD was modified to a new configuration during one of the updates because not only does it not match any document I have found but also any scripts say "Your partition sizes are strange, refusing to continue, you'll need to restore the Cr-48 to factory defaults". Setting it to defaults does not correct this, it does however "fix" the partition table as I re-sized the STATE, ROOT-C and KERN-C myself attempting one walk through. Got to near end of copy and reconfig of KERN-C and could not modify the crossystem flag dev_boot_signed_only due to lots of the flags instead of being 1 or 0 are in state "error".  Reinstall from flash does nothing, flipping back and forth to Dev mode also fixes nothing. Here is an output of sda from cgpt.
 localhost user # cgpt show /dev/sda
       start        size    part  contents
           0           1          PMBR (Boot GUID: 19A03CA9-FCFA-9540-813B-E0C5B314C7B7)
           1           1          Pri GPT header
           2          32          Pri GPT table
     8671232    22573056       1  Label: "STATE"
                                  Type: Linux data
                                  UUID: 3FF2582D-C6C8-514F-AD5F-7ABC6B6DF865
       20480       32768       2  Label: "KERN-A"
                                  Type: ChromeOS kernel
                                  UUID: 1BFD0A98-ACEB-B043-882D-524A2CC3C29B
                                  Attr: priority=1 tries=0 successful=1
     4476928     4194304       3  Label: "ROOT-A"
                                  Type: ChromeOS rootfs
                                  UUID: A9ACDBBB-1A34-C948-97A3-997A50C7A72C
       53248       32768       4  Label: "KERN-B"
                                  Type: ChromeOS kernel
                                  UUID: A0D58F5B-8081-FD48-8787-BFCCC009B76F
                                  Attr: priority=2 tries=6 successful=0
      282624     4194304       5  Label: "ROOT-B"
                                  Type: ChromeOS rootfs
                                  UUID: BC21C237-CAB6-D74D-823C-DE73853EB457
       16448           1       6  Label: "KERN-C"
                                  Type: ChromeOS kernel
                                  UUID: B9191722-9D6D-8348-AB33-990875C5E2E0
                                  Attr: priority=0 tries=15 successful=0
       16449           1       7  Label: "ROOT-C"
                                  Type: ChromeOS rootfs
                                  UUID: 35442747-36B3-E148-86E1-D5C5AFD06463
       86016       32768       8  Label: "OEM"
                                  Type: Linux data
                                  UUID: 301F8B94-0EC8-514B-B722-793D367664B3
       16450           1       9  Label: "reserved"
                                  Type: ChromeOS reserved
                                  UUID: 70CA685E-F668-794B-A016-6DC070FED347
       16451           1      10  Label: "reserved"
                                  Type: ChromeOS reserved
                                  UUID: E62B2F21-5BD2-5149-8724-DD482B04E282
          64       16384      11  Label: "RWFW"
                                  Type: ChromeOS firmware
                                  UUID: 2DEE2E08-9E32-644F-9020-235748DEACB5
      249856       32768      12  Label: "EFI-SYSTEM"
                                  Type: EFI System Partition
                                  UUID: 19A03CA9-FCFA-9540-813B-E0C5B314C7B7
    31277199          32          Sec GPT table
    31277231           1          Sec GPT header


Dec 28, 2015, 2:32:50 PM12/28/15
to Cr-48 Test Pilots
Hey Anthony,

I have a Cr-48 (IEC MARIO PONY 6101) that boots, updates, and runs fine - albeit a bit slow nowadays.
You can check out my partitions below and compare them to yours.

A complete restoral using the 'Chromebook Recovery Utility' should set all the partitions back to normal OEM sizes.
I've installed ChrUbuntu, added a CROUTON partition, and made other non-standard changes but have always been able to set things right again with a usb restore.
In fact, I try to keep a usb stick with a recent recovery image around just in case...

When I run any 'crossystem' commands as 'chronos' I also get a lot of errors; you need to be root or prefix it with 'sudo' to make any changes.

(I.E.) sudo crossystem dev_boot_signed_only=0 dev_boot_usb=1

There's a great site called 'Cr-48 Wikispaces' that has a ton of good info. including upgrading the SSD, flashing the BIOS, Dual-booting, etc.
Here's a very complete teardown of the Cr-48 that's pretty helpful too.

Although your partitions seem to be identical to mine, here's my 'sudo cgpt show /dev/sda' output:

       start        size    part  contents
           0           1          PMBR (Boot GUID: BB403D8C-3438-5848-9171-1C5A3A9FF02C)
           1           1          Pri GPT header
           2          32          Pri GPT table
     8671232    22573056       1  Label: "STATE"
                                  Type: Linux data
                                  UUID: B6D14E7F-56F9-244F-A02E-B626629B810C
       20480       32768       2  Label: "KERN-A"
                                  Type: ChromeOS kernel
                                  UUID: 8D446F63-B460-A447-92C7-EB8DCD9389E2
                                  Attr: priority=2 tries=0 successful=1
     4476928     4194304       3  Label: "ROOT-A"
                                  Type: ChromeOS rootfs
                                  UUID: 7DFE61B2-A776-2141-B950-0A049A3BF46E
       53248       32768       4  Label: "KERN-B"
                                  Type: ChromeOS kernel
                                  UUID: 0D7EAAE0-4DEA-1F49-BCE6-E4AE4831C6F6
                                  Attr: priority=1 tries=0 successful=1
      282624     4194304       5  Label: "ROOT-B"
                                  Type: ChromeOS rootfs
                                  UUID: F35EBE27-7CC5-A547-A4CF-75120A3EED37
       16448           1       6  Label: "KERN-C"
                                  Type: ChromeOS kernel
                                  UUID: 51F3D6F8-91FA-5442-9EA3-720DA1AF76F3
                                  Attr: priority=0 tries=15 successful=0
       16449           1       7  Label: "ROOT-C"
                                  Type: ChromeOS rootfs
                                  UUID: 35A4783B-AD96-A84F-9575-C967EA93BB98
       86016       32768       8  Label: "OEM"
                                  Type: Linux data
                                  UUID: CF9DB5AF-575D-A440-B7F4-9F5A0C6809B7
       16450           1       9  Label: "reserved"
                                  Type: ChromeOS reserved
                                  UUID: 5D304AC7-5D13-744A-BD67-0728791578DC
       16451           1      10  Label: "reserved"
                                  Type: ChromeOS reserved
                                  UUID: D8AC611E-A331-474A-B404-7E2D9F2EFF0F
          64       16384      11  Label: "RWFW"
                                  Type: ChromeOS firmware
                                  UUID: 70086891-853F-0C41-8CFE-064C5D06CB7D
      249856       32768      12  Label: "EFI-SYSTEM"
                                  Type: EFI System Partition
                                  UUID: BB403D8C-3438-5848-9171-1C5A3A9FF02C
    31277199          32          Sec GPT table
    31277231           1          Sec GPT header

Hope some of this helps,
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