Plus the box had such amazing art. I was super pleased with the whole thing.
- For another five years buy what? - 1 Update
Jared Jackson <>: Jan 17 06:50PM -0800
On Friday, December 4, 2015 at 3:42:36 PM UTC-5, 6sigma wrote:
> I've loved the Cr-48. It came just before Christmas 2010. Any Chromebooks
> you see right now that you'd enjoy for 5 years?
i loved it too! i was so happy when the box showed up at my door...
wooohooo what a fun night that was
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Plus the box had such amazing art. I was super pleased with the whole thing.
On Jan 18, 2016 12:35 PM, <> wrote:
We still got our boxes, our stickers and our hinges all intact.
Thank goodness Wifey saved the box, stickers and quick start cards. That was one weekend we will always remember the look we each had on our faces as we watched our little CR-48's go from ZERO to Immortality in less than 8 seconds "That's it for BOOT up? Both of us are now looking at each others facial expressions of enthusiastic disbelief while simultaneously frothing at the mouth and sweating with anticipation of knowing the pulse of technology has strengthened, we are witnesses to the final phase of prequantum evolution and although practically anonymous, objective, intellectually honest, clandestine delegation of human common denominator more specifically simply representing everyone.