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Fwd: CPC Year-end event 2023 - WITH AWARDS!

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Cascade Paragliding Club

Dec 5, 2023, 10:48:06 PM12/5/23
to Cascade Paragliding Club

Join us next Tuesday Dec 12th!
Hello CPC Member!
Join us for the last club meeting of the year next Tuesday December 12th at 7:30pm at the McMenamins Kennedy School.

This time we will be offering three awards:
 - Most airtime in 2023
 - Longest flight of the year in the PNW
 - Most number of flights in 2023

To be awarded, please send a message to by Sunday December 10th 00:00 (with proof!). Don't waste the chance to get these bragging rights!

About the awards:
 - Three awards will be handed out, one for each category.
 - The winner must be present at the year-end celebration!

 Reminder: don't forget to renew your membership for 2024!

-The Cascade Paragliding Club 
                                Contact CPC                          

                  Membership Links: Join - Renew              Newsletter Opt-In Link: Get Monthly Info
Membership in the US Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association (USHPA) is required to have access to club flying sites and events (ex: Oceanside Open).  This national organization provides pilots with critical insurance, a structured pilot training regimen, and representation to the FAA for free flight activities in the U.S.  You are encouraged to follow this link to the USHPA site and sign up to get access to relevant information and receive notifications:

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