2024 January CPC Meeting Minutes

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Cascade Paragliding Club

Jan 13, 2024, 9:47:29 AMJan 13
to Cascade Paragliding Club

2024 January CPC Meeting Notes

January 9, 2024

Member Attendees

Anthony Allen

Ben Riordan

Ed Bourguignon

Fellipe Alves

Jason Wronski

Joseph Ahearne

Hamid Shukur

Neil Clark

Nick Fulmor

Luke Danielson

Vincent Griffith


Recent flights

  • The participants shared about recent flights (and no-flight visits) to Oceanside, Cape Lookout, Yaquima.

2024 Membership renewal

  • Reminder to renew your membership for this year!

Link to renew: http://cascadeparaglidingclub.org/membership/renew/

Link for new members to join: http://cascadeparaglidingclub.org/membership/join/

CPC Officers in 2024

  • No new candidates were presented to date.

  • The officers from 2023 presented themselves as volunteers for another term, as follows:






Jason Wronski

Ben Riordan

Fellipe Alves

Mark Sanzone

Candidate for 2024

Jason Wronski

Fellipe Alves

Ben Riordan

Mark Sanzone

  • An electronic vote will be submitted to current members.

Oceanside Open 2024

  • The target date for this year’s Oceanside Open is May 4th.

  • Budget approval: following the email sent by Mark Sanzone on January 6, the club is seeking approval for the budget to host the Oceanside event, including an expense in January (Community Center reservation). An electronic vote will be submitted to current members for approval.

    • Budget details:

Community Center 950

Awards 160

PilotGifts 200

T shirts/Merchandise 1000

Food/plates/etc 1000

Beer/Soda/water 300

State Park Fees 220

Insurance USHPA 75

Gas $ to drivers 100

USHPA forms 50

Paypal fees 0

Supplies 20


  • Launch of Safety Committee: following a discussion held post the event in 2023, we look forward to continuing to improve the safety of this event and would like to call on volunteers to join a Safety Committee. This committee shall stipulate the safety measures to be applied during the event, taking into account the lessons learned from previous years and good practices observed by our members in similar events.

    • How to join: a sub-group will be created in the Club’s Telegram group. Vincent Griffith is the champion along with Luke Danielsen. Please feel free to reach out to them!

Ideas and suggestions for 2024 💡

  • Promote a year-round XC league among CPC members (from Vincent G.)

    • Tasks would be posted on the first of each month March through September.

    • Tasks could be flown at any time (including tasks from previous months).

    • Tasks will be designed to be flown from one of the main CPC sites.

    • Points would be awarded based on distance flown along the course, and speed if the task is finished. An entry fee ($50 or less) would fund prizes.

    • No retrieve or supervision would be provided. All pilots would have sole responsibility for safety in the air and arranging safe retrieve.

    • InReach or Spot tracking would be required of all pilots.

    • If there is sufficient interest two tiers could be run - one with shorter and more accessible tasks, one with longer and more challenging tasks.

  • Medical supplies in main sites (from Josh N.)

    • We proposed the following to start our site medical supplies in the meeting:

    • Shipping costs are $33 + $127 + Free for a total vote of $1648

    • Remarks and recommendations:

      • A storage solution should be determined before implementation. A job box such as a 45" Craftsman Jobsite Box is recommended. Jason had additional thoughts in the meeting but we did not elaborate due to time constraints.

      • Recommendation of QR on or around where the equipment is stored for reading material at the launch site.

      • Recommendation to seek additional funding from non-member cliffside pilots.

Upcoming meeting

The next club meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2024 at 7:30pm. Stay tuned to our Telegram group for more information, including the link for connection, closer to the date.

Calendar for 2024: http://cascadeparaglidingclub.org/calendar/

                                Contact CPC                                    http://cascadeparaglidingclub.org

                  Membership Links: Join - Renew              Newsletter Opt-In Link: Get Monthly Info
Membership in the US Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association (USHPA) is required to have access to club flying sites and events (ex: Oceanside Open).  This national organization provides pilots with critical insurance, a structured pilot training regimen, and representation to the FAA for free flight activities in the U.S.  You are encouraged to follow this link to the USHPA site and sign up to get access to relevant information and receive notifications: https://www.ushpa.org/

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Cascade Paragliding Club · 3149 NW Miller Rd · Portland, OR 97229-8565 · USA
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