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Re: Migration of CPAchecker repository to git

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Philipp Wendler

Oct 18, 2024, 8:18:03 AM10/18/24
to, CPAchecker Users
Dear friends of CPAchecker,

as promised the migration of CPAchecker from Subversion to git has
finally occurred!

Here is some information about what you should do now.
Please forward this mail also to contributors you supervise.
I am posting this also to the cpachecker-users mailing list for those
who might read only this list but also use CPAchecker from its source

The main repository is now on GitLab:
Furthermore, we have renamed the main branch from "trunk" to "main".

Thus, please first check that you are a member of the above repository
with role Developer. If not, please contact me and tell me your GitLab
username such that I can add you.

Then, if you had configured your local git checkout as we suggested on
the webpage (with git svn init -prefix=mirror/), you can adjust the
config with the following commands:

git remote set-url mirror \
git remote rename mirror origin

If you have a local branch "trunk", you can rename and update it with

git branch -m trunk main
git branch main --set-upstream-to=origin/main

Otherwise nothing should be necessary, you can now continue developing.
Just use "git push" now as usual instead of "git svn dcommit".
And of course branch creation and merges also need to be done with git now.

But please also have a look at our updated contribution guidelines:
In particular, we now ask you to use branches for all your development
and create merge requests and ask for reviews.
And of course, please also review code from others!

Note that right a few things are still missing in order to complete the
migration (such as the setup of commit mails), this will happen soon.
We will also remove the original SVN repository and the git mirror at and replace them with
redirects to GitLab. If you notice any broken links pointing to these
locations somewhere, please inform us such that we can add more redirects.

If you have any further questions, comments, feedback, or suggestions,
please do not hesitate to contact us.

And thank you all for your valuable contributions to CPAchecker!

Kind regards
Philipp Wendler
Software and Computational Systems Lab
LMU Munich, Germany
Oettingenstr. 67 Raum F008 - Tel.: 089/2180-9181
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