Hi Artjom,
Am 23.08.23 um 01:35 schrieb Artjom Plaunov:
> To recreate the issue: I am running "predicateAnalysis-PredAbsRefiner-SBE"
> as the config, and to make my modifications I am editing the
> includes/predicateAnalysis.properties file, which is where I am setting the
> cpa.predicate.abstractions.asExpressions flag to true.
Side note:
I would not recommend to edit the supplied config files, I guess it is
easy to loose overview when doing so. Every config option can also be
specified on the command line with
-setprop foo=bar
> *Command:* CPAchecker-2.2-unix/scripts/cpa.sh -config
> CPAchecker-2.2-unix/config/predicateAnalysis-PredAbsRefiner-SBE.properties
> -preprocess example.c
Side note:
You can abbreviate the "-config ..." part with
> *Output: *The following configuration options were specified but are not
> used:
> cpa.predicate.abstractions.asExpressions
> (CPAchecker.printConfigurationWarnings, WARNING)
> What may be stopping it from being used, even though it is specified?
This config option was introduced only this year, so it is not yet
preset in CPAchecker 2.2.
You would need to use the current development version (either from the
Docker image or by compiling yourself with ant).