Ramp Access from Hale Parkway at Bellaire

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Bryan Wilson

Nov 20, 2024, 10:50:42 AMNov 20
to Denver 311, City Council District 5, in...@denverhilltop.org, Bryan, pres...@bellevuehale.org
This is probably a Denver Community Planning and Development question...

Well, the new development be required to add a curb cut to access Bellaire Street from Hale Parkway?

I have concerns for those with limited mobility crossing Hale Pkwy.

Bellaire could also otherwise be a very bike friendly Street.

Thank you,
Bryan Wilson 

Bryan Wilson

Nov 26, 2024, 10:22:20 AMNov 26
to Guerand, Leah A. - CPD CE1566 City Planner Supervisor, City Council District 5, City Council District 10, Office of Councilwoman Sarah Parady, Office of Councilwoman Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, INC Transportation Committee, DOTI Sidewalks
Thank you!

I went back after submitting this ticket and it appears like one may be getting installed, but can't be sure.
I'm specifically referring to the West side of Bellaire along the North of Hale Parkway.

It appears to be staked as though one is coming.

I want to confirm since one wasn't installed at Birch.

Could you also check if something is planned for across the center of Hale Parkway?
Frankly, Ash, Bellaire, & Birch, all need at least one ADA Compliant crossing. 
Would that be part of this development, something else to be done in the future by DOTI, or Denver Parks and Rec?

Access in this area is important for local residents as well as people who might live on the opposite side of CO Boulevard.
I would have said as much in the survey from Council District 5, but people outside of District 5 are unable to participate.

Thank you in advance for addressing these concerns.

Bryan Wilson 
Congress Park for ALL

On Tue, Nov 26, 2024, 7:12 AM Guerand, Leah A. - CPD CE1566 City Planner Supervisor <Leah.G...@denvergov.org> wrote:

Thank you Bryan,


I have asked that Melissa Woods with our DOTI – Transportation group respond to your question.    She is out of the office this week due to the holiday but should respond upon her return after the 2nd.


Thank you,






Please be advised that the 2024 Text Amendment Bundle is on track to be adopted by the end of the year. It proposes over 130 changes providing updates and modifications to the Denver Zoning Code and will also help reduce plan review times and simplify code enforcement.



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Leah Guerand | Supervisor, Site Design and Neighborhood Development
Community Planning and Development | City and County of Denver 
Pronouns | She/Her
phone: (720) 865-3265

311 | denvergov.org/CPD | Denver 8 TV | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram











From: Bryan Wilson <bryan...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 10:01 AM
To: Development Services <Developmen...@denvergov.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: New City & County of Denver Case - Case 09835595 - Zoning - Your action needed!


I don't. It's North of Hale Parkway & South of E 12th Ave between Ash & Bellaire. On Mon, Nov 25, 2024, 8: 31 AM Development Services <Development. Services@ denvergov. org> wrote: Good Morning Bryan, do you have an address

I don't.

It's North of Hale Parkway & South of E 12th Ave between Ash & Bellaire.


On Mon, Nov 25, 2024, 8:31 AM Development Services <Developmen...@denvergov.org> wrote:

Good Morning Bryan, do you have an address of the subject property?  Once I have this information, I can then route to the appropriate reviewer to help answer your question below.


Thank you,






Please be advised that the 2024 Text Amendment Bundle is on track to be adopted by the end of the year. It proposes over 130 changes providing updates and modifications to the Denver Zoning Code and will also help reduce plan review times and simplify code enforcement.



Logo, company name

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Leah Guerand | Supervisor, Site Design and Neighborhood Development
Community Planning and Development | City and County of Denver 
Pronouns | She/Her
phone: (720) 865-3265

311 | denvergov.org/CPD | Denver 8 TV | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram











From: Denver 311 <3...@denvergov.org>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2024 1:18 PM
To: Development Services <Developmen...@denvergov.org>
Subject: New City & County of Denver Case - Case 09835595 - Zoning - Your action needed!




There is a new case that was created by the 311 team that requires action on your part. Here are the case details.


Date Case Created: 11/20/2024



Contact Details:


Name: Bryan Wilson

Phone: 303-395-9273

Email: bryan...@gmail.com


Case Details:


Case number: 09835595

Subject: Zoning

Incident Street:  Bellaire St    Hale Parkway



This is probably a Denver Community Planning and Development question...

Well, the new development be required to add a curb cut to access Bellaire
Street from Hale Parkway?

I have concerns for those with limited mobility crossing Hale Pkwy.

Bellaire could also otherwise be a very bike friendly Street.

Thank you,
Bryan Wilson





Please follow up with the customer directly and if you have any further questions or concerns, please call us at 311 or contact us online at the Online Services Hub. 





311 Support


ref id: 





--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Bryan Wilson [bryan...@gmail.com]
Sent: 11/20/2024 8:50 AM
To: 3...@denvergov.org
Cc: in...@denverhilltop.org; cp4...@googlegroups.com; pres...@bellevuehale.org; denverc...@denvergov.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ramp Access from Hale Parkway at Bellaire

This is probably a Denver Community Planning and Development question.?.?. Well, the new development be required to add a curb cut to access Bellaire Street from Hale Parkway? https:?//www.?instagram.?com/reel/DCmRb8WRt57/?igsh=MXF4OW5hNnpzbmd6cA==



Bryan Wilson

Dec 3, 2024, 7:09:29 AM (10 days ago) Dec 3
to Woods, Melissa - DOTI CE0397 Engineer, Guerand, Leah A. - CPD CE1566 City Planner Supervisor, side...@denvergov.org, transpo...@denverinc.org, G-Gutierr...@denvergov.org, Parady...@denvergov.org, distr...@denvergov.org, DenverC...@denvergov.org
Thank you for the update!

Can you also check on Hale at Birch?
I had previously submitted a ticket asking about that project missing a curb-cut to cross Hale Parkway.

Could you please also ask the same team about a crossing there?
It's important b/c there is a ramp across Hale Parkway from there allowing for a safer connection ESPECIALLY after a snowstorm.

Thank you so much for your help help with this!!!

Bryan Wilson 

On Mon, Dec 2, 2024, 5:21 PM Woods, Melissa - DOTI CE0397 Engineer <Meliss...@denvergov.org> wrote:



The private development in construction at 1181 Bellaire St (northwest corner of Bellaire St and Hale Pkwy) is installing sidewalk and ADA-compliant directional curb ramps at all four corners and street frontages of their property, including at Bellaire/Hale.


Aside from the proposed curb ramp at the northwest corner of Bellaire/Hale, the private development is not installing any improvements to the pedestrian route through the median in Hale Pkwy at Bellaire St, though it will be a legal pedestrian crossing.


I am also not aware of any plans here on the City-side of things, however I am not directly involved with City-funded projects, so I may not have the most up-to-date information. I have forwarded this email chain to our transportation planning team to see if they have anything planned here. I will let you know what I find out.


Thank you,


Melissa Woods, P.E. | Engineer

City & County of Denver

Department of Transportation & Infrastructure | Right of Way Services – DES Transportation

Phone: (720) 865-3029


Pronouns | She/Her/Hers


Please take a quick 2 question survey regarding our virtual service.




From: Guerand, Leah A. - CPD CE1566 City Planner Supervisor <Leah.G...@denvergov.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 8:24 AM
To: Woods, Melissa - DOTI CE0397 Engineer <Meliss...@denvergov.org>
Cc: bryan...@gmail.com
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Re: New City & County of Denver Case - Case 09835595 - Zoning - Your action needed!


Hi Melissa, I am also connecting you with Bryan who is copied on this email.


Thank you,






Please be advised that the 2024 Text Amendment Bundle is on track to be adopted by the end of the year. It proposes over 130 changes providing updates and modifications to the Denver Zoning Code and will also help reduce plan review times and simplify code enforcement.



Logo, company name

Description automatically generated 

Leah Guerand | Supervisor, Site Design and Neighborhood Development
Community Planning and Development | City and County of Denver 
Pronouns | She/Her
phone: (720) 865-3265

311 | denvergov.org/CPD | Denver 8 TV | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram











From: Bryan Wilson <bryan...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 8:22 AM
To: Guerand, Leah A. - CPD CE1566 City Planner Supervisor <Leah.G...@denvergov.org>
Cc: City Council District 5 <DenverC...@denvergov.org>; City Council District 10 <Distr...@denvergov.org>; Office of Councilwoman Sarah Parady <parady...@denvergov.org>; Office of Councilwoman Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez <G-Gutierr...@denvergov.org>; INC Transportation Committee <transpo...@denverinc.org>; DOTI Sidewalks <Side...@denvergov.org>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: New City & County of Denver Case - Case 09835595 - Zoning - Your action needed!


Thank you! I went back after submitting this ticket and it appears like one may be getting installed, but can't be sure. https: //www. instagram. com/reel/DCsPABlxrGo/?igsh=ZG95OXZwcHo5cTYw I'm specifically referring to the West side of

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