unable to analyse the metadynamics output file of the cp2k

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Deewan Singh Teja

Jan 10, 2024, 7:02:01 AMJan 10
to cp2k
Hey Good afternoon everyone
Can anybody known how to analysis the cp2k metadynamics file? Please help if possible
Thank you

Marcella Iannuzzi

Jan 11, 2024, 7:52:20 AMJan 11
to cp2k
Please refer to some tutorial like


Karl Irikura

May 7, 2024, 5:33:31 PMMay 7
to cp2k
I have the same question.  That tutorial does not explain how to extract free energy information from the output files.  

Thanks for any tips,

David M. Sherman

May 9, 2024, 6:02:27 AMMay 9
to cp2k
You're right: the tutorials don't see to explain this bit at all...

You need to use the "graph" program which comes with cp2k. When you do a metadynamics run, the resulting *.restart file will contain a record of all of the HILLS  added during the metadynamics simulation. Note that if you do a multiple-walker run, the *.restart file in any one of the walker directories will also have all the hills from all the other walkers. Let's assume you did a metadynamics simulation with 2 COLVARS and this generated a restart file named "mysim.restart".  To turn that record of HILLS in the restart file into a one-dimensional free-energy surface with respect to the first COLVAR, you run the program graph.psmp using the following syntax:

graph.psmp -cp2k -ndim 2 -ndw 1 -file mysim.restart

If you want  a one-dimensional free energy surface with respect to the second COLVAR, you run

graph.psmp -cp2k -ndim 2 -ndw 2  -file mysim.restart

(Note: BE VERY CAREFUL HERE!  Even though you only want a one dimensional fes, the argument to -ndim MUST be the actual number of COLVARS that were used in the metadynamics run.  The argument to -ndw is which COLVAR(S) you want to generate the free-energy surface with respect to.  If you accidently use -ndim 1, you will get what looks like a perfectly sensible fes, but it will be completely erroneous).

Running the graph program will generate a file called fes.dat that you can plot with gnuplot to see the free energy surface.  Here's an example of a gnuplot script to
generate the plot (note: I'm converting my Cl coordination number COLVAR into a sensible number by multiplying it by the number of Cl atoms in the cell  and converting the free energy from AU to kJ/mole).

set xlabel "Cl CN"
#set terminal svg
set xrange[-1:4]
set yrange[-230:-120]
plot "fes.dat" using ($1*4):($2*2625.5) with lines
pause -1 "Hit any key to continue"

Now,  if you want a 2-dimensional plot of the the free energy surface (i.e., over both
COLVARS) then you run:

graph.psmp -cp2k -ndim 2 -ndw 1 2 -file mysim.restart

and plot that using gnuplot.  Here's a gnuplot input script to generate a contour map:

set view map
unset surface
set contour
set cntrparam levels 30
set dgrid3d 100,100,1
set xlabel "Cl CN"
set ylabel "O CN"
set style line 1 lc rgb "black" lw 1
set style increment user
#set terminal svg
splot [-1:4] [-1:5] "fes.dat" using ($1*4.):($2*55):($3*2625.5) with lines
pause -1 "Hit any key to continue"

Have fun!

Karl Irikura

Jun 21, 2024, 1:13:33 PM (11 days ago) Jun 21
to cp2k
Thanks, David, the "graph" program is working for me.

What are the energy units in the file "fes.dat"?  The well depths are < 0.1 units.  

More generally, is it better to run one series of simulations for each collective variable, or a single series with two collective variables?  In my case there are two titratable groups and I'm trying to calculate pKa. 


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