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Academic Coworking

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Piotr Boulangé

Mar 29, 2014, 5:32:50 AM3/29/14
I am preparing my PhD thesis in regard to coworking.
The subject almost doesn't exist in academic research and papers, althouth I have to admit, that  for the last two years a great lot of publications appeared.
Most of the interesting ones are still conducted and published by coworking enthusiasts (for example, my favorite, the and few refer to coworking in their master's papers. There are few approaches, but I read them as a psychology of work and work space, human business and networking relations, particular case study or just a raw data.

What I am asking ALL of YOU for, are questions and subjects, that interest you in regard to coworking. What do you - members of coworking community - would like to, and want to now about coworking. I have my own suggestions, but if I'll find the ability, I would like to start by answering the most urgent needs of our community.

Please reply to this post by purely asking  the questions, or by sharing the links, to the most interesting (in your opinion) papers and researches considering coworking. Or just contact me.

We can also network:
or by gmail, and g+


Tamara Acosta

Mar 31, 2014, 11:02:19 AM3/31/14
Hello, I am about to open the first Coworking Space in Mérida, México and before opening and preparing everything I investigated on the internet about thesis, papers and so on. I found this particular link really interesting as it focused on condensed information a lot of research.

I am also interested in how to make an ecosistem from the people that is in here to the common welth of the ones that are outside of the coworking. For example we are traying to build this cowork of coworking + education. So we want the education that happens here some how descetralices and some of the workshops are somewere else in the city, the exibitions of the workshops we want them to be also desentraliced so we can get support from other places in Mérida and not everything has to happen on our place. 

Also other dilema that we are thinking is how can we, some how incubate creative projects and bring them here to be solved and the question is: How do we make the election of the coworkers that than can develop the project? how do we charge for this? How can we dinamise the projects to be on group? Do we have to leader the creative projecto? Does this have to work some how as an underground agency? 

This questions are really around our heads but I believe one day the community is open I hope they get answered. 

Have a nice day and keep in touch,


If you want you can visit our space at 

also here is my skype if you want to talk (as writting in english is do difficult for me) guanabana.proyect 


Piotr Boulangé

Apr 1, 2014, 1:06:09 PM4/1/14
This is very good paper for starters! and also the coworking space looks great. Nice website BTW
Thank you for sahring. If I should have any question, I'll get back to you.


Soleil Onoya

Apr 1, 2014, 1:50:50 PM4/1/14
Hi Tamara,

Thanks for sharing that link. It's quite informative and I really enjoyed reading it.

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