August 9 - Coworking Day

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Cadu de Castro Alves

Aug 7, 2010, 2:30:45 PM8/7/10
Hi coworkers!!!

Next monday will be 5 years since Brad Neuberg talk about coworking for the first time.
Also, BeesOffice will launch its blog with a coworking presentation post.
I think that that date should be the official Coworking Day.
What do you think about blogging something special to celebrate that and tweeting using the #CoworkingDay hashtag?

Best regards,

Cadu de Castro Alves
Mobile: +55 21 8464-3958(OI)
SkypeID: cadudecastroalves

BeesOffice - Espaço de Coworking RJ - Unidade: Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP: 20090-070 - Brasil
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Campbell McKellar

Aug 7, 2010, 7:08:29 PM8/7/10
Love the idea Cadu! We'll help spread the word.
Have a great weekend everyone.


From: Cadu de Castro Alves <>
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 2010 15:30:45 -0300
Subject: [Coworking] August 9 - Coworking Day

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Tara Hunt

Aug 7, 2010, 7:17:27 PM8/7/10
Totally awesome idea! Wish someone would have pointed it out sooner (we could have mini parties), but I'm sure we can come up with something awesome. Like the tag: #coworkingday at the end of posts about coworking:
  1. how you first heard about the movement
  2. why you decided to get involved
  3. when your space opened up or you started working out of a coworking space
  4. why coworking is better than working alone (or in another situation, like a coffee shop)
  5. etc.
It could really help spread the word. Get it trending even! :)

tara 'missrogue' hunt

Company: Shwowp (
Book: The Whuffie Factor (
Blog: HorsePigCow: Marketing Uncommon (
phone: 514-679-2951

Cadu de Castro Alves

Aug 7, 2010, 8:04:38 PM8/7/10
Hi, people!

Thanks for your help! It 's the real coworking!

I'm working in a logotype or a brand to represent the celebration. Could you give me some ideas?
As coworking is about people, I'm thinking about something like that:
It's just an initial concept. What do you think?


Cadu de Castro Alves
Mobile: +55 21 8464-3958(OI)
SkypeID: cadudecastroalves

BeesOffice - Espaço de Coworking RJ - Unidade: Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP: 20090-070 - Brasil
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