On Friday before Tara and I headed off to WineCamp, we stopped off at
Schlomo Rabinowitz's apartment in dogpatch at 801 Minnesota. Our brief
conversation lead to a decision: that for the money, there's no better
option for the San Francisco coworking space than his. And so as of
June 1, we will be assuming a $1000/mo tenantship at Teh Schlomo.
Schlomo is good friends with many of us, including Ryanne and Jay, who
already frequent his digs. He's also very supportive of our mission
and accommodating to our varied needs.
We shall convene a meeting this Thursday night, at 8pm, at Teh
Schlomo, to discuss the space, how it should be used, the rules of the
road and how we're going to run things.
This decision may seem sudden or somewhat out of the blue given the
discussions about AIC, but we felt that it was important to make a
decision as the space was being pursued by someone else. And it also
gives us the opportunity to work together, try out this idea and have
a staging ground for whatever comes next in the meantime.
Personally, I'm extremely excited about this and would love to answer
any questions or concerns as a group this coming Thursday.
I'm about to embark on a new project, so I'm interested in checking out
the space for a possible 1-2 day/week commitment.
Thursday is the best, since we have net2 thru wed. We'd also like to
get kicked off asap so we can pay you! ;)
What time works for everyone on thursday? I'm pretty flex so moving it
up should be fine.
On 5/29/06, schlomo <Sch...@end.com> wrote:
> Hey Chris and the gang:
> I can't meet that late on Thursday; I have to work.
> Can we move it to Wed? If this is going to make to big of waves, I
> can probably find someone to work for me for a couple hours while we
> chat. If we keep it on Thursday, can we move the time up a little?
> Also, also: my place should be called Teh Hat Factory, because that
> is what it used to be (and is still the name of our wifi network:)
> Looking forward to being a part of a great experiment!
> Schlomo
> ps: I'm CCing Lorelei, my friend and housemate, who should be at the
> meeting as well.
VLOGGERCON-June 10-11 San Francisco!
me: http://ryanedit.com
educate: http://freevlog.org, http://node101.org
videos i want you to see: http://revlog.blogspot.com
(currently set to private, become part of coworking group on upcoming
or a friend of raines to see it)
Thursday is the best, since we have net2 thru wed. We'd also like to
get kicked off asap so we can pay you! ;)
What time works for everyone on thursday? I'm pretty flex so moving it
up should be fine.
Thursday is the best, since we have net2 thru wed. We'd also like to
get kicked off asap so we can pay you! ;)
What time works for everyone on thursday? I'm pretty flex so moving it
up should be fine.
Schlomo? What's your actual availability?
Raines, can you update the upcoming page?
On 5/31/06, schlomo <Sch...@end.com> wrote:
> If we can make it as early as 6:30p, I would be happy, but I
> understand if that can't happen.
> Schlomo
> http://schlomolog.blogspot.com
> http://vloggercon.com
U N I V E R S U S . N E T
Video Bloggers Podcasting
Vloggercon.com - San Francisco
June 10th and 11th, 2006
I am signed up for a day a week on the anchor page, so my interest is still
there. After months of lurking as y'all do all the heavy lifting, I'm
really excited about how V1.0 is turning out.
Scott McMullan
Director, Developer Relations
M: 415-902-2188
B1: http://developer.jot.com
B2: http://scottmcmullan.com