Advice on finding a business partner?

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Tiffany Frye

Apr 29, 2014, 4:00:48 PM4/29/14
Hi, I am currently in the planning stages of starting a coworking + childcare location in Raleigh-Durham, NC. The idea has been bubbling around in my head since last August when I went back to work, working from home 30 hrs/week while looking after my daughter (who was 3 months old at the time). I quickly discovered how few childcare options were available and, like all of you, was led to the idea of starting a coworking + childcare service. 

However, like many moms who are also working, I find that carving out even an hour a day to work on this project is difficult, to say the least. For a short period of time, I was working with another woman who was interested in starting a similar space for networking, and I found that working with someone else propelled me forward, energized me, and kept me on task. She decided she wanted to concentrate on her blog and mom group, instead of setting up a physical location, so we're no longer working together. Do y'all have any advice on finding a business partner for this project? My inclination is to look for someone with experience in the childcare side of things since experience in following all of the state regulations surrounding childcare would be valuable. Does anyone have ideas about how to approach someone about working on this project? Successes or failures you'd like to share?

Also, general tips for how to move from the point of having a business plan to getting funding and securing a site (i.e., making it happen!) would be greatly valued. I don't have the capital myself to invest in it, so I'm finding myself stuck in the planning planning planning stages with no clear way to get to the doing. 

Thank you so much for any advice you can give!
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