Covert Commissions Review

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Phuong Ha

Sep 29, 2022, 9:39:27 AM9/29/22
to Covert Commissions Review + Exclusive $4385 Bonuses - ExplorReviews
Dear Frustrated List Builder,

I understand exactly where you’re coming from.

I’ve sat there looking at subscriber count of 3 people... 2 of them were my own test emails and the third was my mum... I think she took pity on me :)

I’ve spent years trying to crack the code... and through hard work, plus lots of time and money invested – I’ve finally made it.

These days I can press a button... send an email to over 100,000 people and earn affiliate commissions like clockwork.

However, my list building and income only really took off when I figured out a system where I could automate the time consuming parts.

An easy to follow system that would do it all for you... and a system you can quickly replicate in order to monetize any niche.

What you are about to see is the result of over 10 years of hard work, testing, tweaking and perfecting.

Creating The Perfect Software Solution Was Worth The Time It Took
So You Don't Have To ANY Of The Work!
I have no doubt that, given enough years, you could eventually work all of this out yourself.

I just want to save you from the grief you would likely go through. That’s why I would like to invite you to use the exact same system that turned me from frustrated beginner to super affiliate.

So let’s skip the frustration… and start getting you results today!


This Done For You, Automated List Building & Affiliate Marketing System
Eliminates All The Hard Work & Puts You On The Fast Track To Success!

You can instantly use COVERT COMMISSIONS to start building your own profitable list and earn affiliate commissions on autopilot from day 1.

Even better... you can do all of this without ever writing a single word yourself.

Instead of having to create all of the pages, make the download gifts, deliver them all... AND, write all of the emails, create followup promotions and pay for hosting and extra accounts...

Everything is completely done for you.

Simply add your affiliate ID's into your profile and they're done.

I know this probably seems to good to be true...  

So let's take a few minutes and have a look at the system and everything you'll find inside your members area:

Or click here if you've seen enough and really
just want to get started NOW! 

Here's Exactly What You Get Inside:

Build A Profitable List & Earn Commission In Any Niche!

Simply select one of our commission systems to get started.

They cover almost all niches and product types, from dating to WordPress and everything in between...

No matter what you are interested in...we have you covered!

EVERY Done For You Marketing System Contains:

A High Converting Squeeze Page With A “Bribe” That Sucks In Subscribers!

These beautiful, high converting squeeze pages come with a custom report or software gift that will entice people to opt in and help convert them into paying customers.

We host the pages and gifts... everything is set up and you are immediately ready to promote the link we give you.

Fully Integrated Funnel That Generates Sales On Autopilot!
Once people sign up they will go through our tested and proven funnel of thank-you, confirmation and download pages.

This is already set up for you and each of these page is highly optimized with integrated ads that will automatically generate affiliate sales for you.

Professionally Written Follow Emails That Will Earn You Recurring Income For Years

Once people are on the list they will be tagged to your affiliate ID for life!

We will send them professionally written follow up emails promoting solid evergreen products and exciting new launches in the relevant niche.

All emails will use your affiliate link so you always get the affiliate commissions... doesn’t matter if it’s two years from now.

No Setup & Everything Hosted For You At No Extra Cost
You don’t need to install or configure anything. We host all your pages and run the autoresponder follow up system for you, at no cost.

Covert Commissions is entirely cloud based and you’ll find everything you need inside the member’s area, so you can get started immediately.
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