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Teacher And Student Boundaries
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Teacher And Student Boundaries
Teachers, as well as other jobs, professional boundaries are very critical and are required all the time. How teachers present themselves, interact with others as well as the general conduct, is highly significant when they are working directly with different students in various classrooms and lecture halls. Teachers' presentation and how they can foster a professional manner reduces the possible risk that may occur, which in turn keeps students safe (Engels et al., 2016). Teacher, due to their dedication, are considered to hold an exceptional trust, authority, and care due to the influence they tend to have on the young people through learning and education. The results of students-teacher association is an inherent power imbalance, which creates string expectations that teachers have to uphold a high level of professionalism, accountability, and exercise integrity (Gregory et al., 2016). Schools include teachers, have ana obligation to ensures all the students are protected from any foreseeable risk while still engaged in the school activities. While most teachers understand their responsibilities, they sometimes persistent and overt breaches of professional boundaries, which presents an adverse risk on the students as well as on the teacher's job. 
There are many means that teacher and student boundaries can be violated. Technology has fostered the possibilities of professionalism, as well as respect students, should have regarding their teacher to diminish. Since there is an imbalance of power between the teachers and student associations, teachers are supposed to exercise a high level of maturity. In case the professional boundaries are breached, teachers are likely to face disciplinary actions, which may vary depending o the extent of breach (Engels et al., 2016). On the other hand, students exploiting technology avenues to reach out to their teachers in a non-respectful or uncalled-for, risk fail exams or more serious disciplinary action by the school. The report will outline how technology can be used to violate teacher-student boundaries. The trail that can be tracked to show if a teacher is on the wrong track and possible reasons a teacher may give due to his or her strong relationship with particular students will be discussed.
How Use Of Social Media And Digital Devices Result In Teacher-Students Boundary Violations
A boundary violation between teachers and students entails any interaction or behavior that may cause harm to the students or the profession as a teacher. Teacher and student relationship requires respect and trust. On any occasion, when respect or trust is abused or exploited, through either non-sexual or sexual misconduct, then boundary violation is deemed to have occurred (Shariff & Hoff, 2016). Various means can be utilized in boundary violations. Among the most worrying and advancing medium is the use of technology. Posting sexually explicit content on either student or teacher personal social media accounts amounts to boundary violations. Through the use of various digital devices, the teacher may violate the boundaries, through his or her communication with students (Greenhow & Lewin, 2016). Teachers using technology to share personal information that in no way benefits students or talking to the students' inappropriate manner and on the irrelevant subject matter can be regarded as a boundary violation.  Personal or sexual questions directed to the students by the teacher through social media, among other communication software, results in boundary violation. 
Social media, among other technologies, are giving numerous opportunities on how students and teachers can interact on various levels.  Students and teachers communicating with one another through the use of multiple technologies about class assignments and expectations are valuable and acceptable (Schofield & Davidson, 2017). However, student-teacher interaction must be constrained to limited posts that have to be made visible to all users, including parents and school management. Widespread access to private electronic communications presents opportunities for abuse as well as the risky relationship between students and staff members. 
When a teacher uses online communication to reach out to the particular students in his or her class, the boundary between professional and personal tend to be blurred. Inappropriate behavior by the teacher may range from negative comments about the school administration to posting irrelevant and private videos and comments online. Experienced teachers have to avoid handing out their emails or having any kind of interactions via social media networks as it is challenging to maintain structured boundaries, as illustrated by Shariff and Hoff (2016). The moment teacher posts or share a video online, it can be shared and copied by the thoughtless and immature students. The damage is likely to be irreparable. Some adolescent girls and boys may sometimes develop crushes on their teachers, which may try to propagate their wishes via the use of social media. The actions may catch the teacher unaware, hence resulting in boundary violations (Greenhow & Lewin, 2016). Moving expeditiously by the school administrators to establish practical and clear boundaries is the school environment, protects families, students, and careers from legal and emotional consequences of inappropriate interactions.
Justification Of Gradual Decisions That May Lead To An Inappropriate Relationship Between Student And Teacher
There are some instances that inappropriate relationships between teachers and students may be justified. Some of the students with their teacher interactions tend to click right away, while others take time to develop. Unfortunately, there are some occasions that teacher-student relationship may last longer than expected. Teachers are required to establish a strong bond with their students in a well-structured working environment (Engels et al., 2016). Therefore trust, respect, and care has to be fostered between teacher and student relationships. Teachers are generally responsible for ensuring that they exercise good judgment with dealing with students' needs and concerns. There are various reasons that teachers may use to justify their inappropriate relationships with students.
As a teacher, it is required to be sensitive to the students' needs. Not all the students in one class respond the same way to the lesson contents. Some of the learners may require more personalized practices as far as education is concern (Gehlbach et al., 2016). A good relationship is necessary for teachers to have a very conducive environment to impart knowledge. When a teacher does not consider individual student needs, there is likely to occur relationship troubles. Therefore, the need to establish a convenient connection with students is needed, which may unavoidably result in inappropriate behavior. 
Dangers Of Teacher Having Strong Connection One Student
There many risks that teachers may experience when they have a strong feeling of connection to one student in their class. Teacher having compassion for one student may result in him or her breaching the professional boundaries. In case the professional boundaries are breached, teachers are likely to face disciplinary actions, which may vary depending on the extent of breach (Gregory et al., 2016).  The possible risk that may result in danger is when a teacher starts to favor his or her particular student. Favors may be propagated by the teacher awarding the unjustified marks on class assignments or tests, allocating more resources to the student with no substantial reason, and being too sensitive to one student than the rest of class. Therefore the looming danger is that teacher jeopardize his or her teaching profession.  Teachers having a robust connection to one student may result in him or her indulging in an inappropriate relationship, which is against the profession code of conduct as well as social and community principles (Martin & Collie, 2019). Another danger that may occur is that one particular student may start to perform poorly in his or her examination due to an unjustified preference to one teacher than the others. A teacher is having a strong relationship with one student, which may results in reluctance and laziness within hence negatively affecting the overall grade.
The Signs That Teachers Relationship With The Student Is On A Slippery Slope
The teacher-student relationship may be on a slippery slope when the professional boundaries are being breached. The professional boundaries can be violated by the teacher becoming too friendly or familiar to gain approval and acceptance from students, which is a clear sign of deterioration in teacher-student interaction. Another sign that can be used to show the established relationship between teacher and student in on slippery slope is when they engage in negative associations, which may entail physically non-sexual or any other improper interactions (Engels et al., 2016). The teacher engaging in inappropriate relationships that involve engaging dubious conversations with one another is not right and may results in professional boundaries broken, as explained by Gregory et al. (2016). Another sign that can be used to indicate whether the student-teacher relationship is on the slippery slope is when leaner is rightly or wrongly accused or favored with no substantial reasons and justified logic. Lastly, a teacher engaging in a sexual relationship with a student, which is another sign that professional interaction between them may be in deterioration. Teacher risks facing criminal charges or as well as getting fired. 
Various incidents can result in teacher and student relationship breaching professional boundaries. Teachers' presentation and how they can foster professional conduct reduces the possible risk that may occur, as results on improper interaction with students as described by Martin and Collie, (2019). Posting sexually explicit content on either student or teacher personal social media accounts amounts to boundary violations. The school management has to move expeditiously to establish practical and clear boundaries is the school environment, protect students and careers from legal and emotional consequences of inappropriate interactions. 

Engels, M. C., Colpin, H., Van Leeuwen, K., Bijttebier, P., Van Den Noortgate, W., Claes, S., ... & Verschueren, K. (2016). Behavioral engagement, peer status, and teacher-student relationships in adolescence: A longitudinal study on reciprocal influences. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(6), 1192-1207. Retrieved from  https://www.rug.nl/research/portal/files/64888729/Manuscript_Classroom_Social_Dynamics.pdf
Gehlbach, H., Brinkworth, M. E., King, A. M., Hsu, L. M., McIntyre, J., & Rogers, T. (2016). Creating birds of similar feathers: Leveraging similarity to improve teacher-student relationships and academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 108(3), 342. Retrieved from  https://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/23575714/RWP15_017_Rogers.pdf
Greenhow, C., & Lewin, C. (2016). Social media and education: Reconceptualizing the boundaries of formal and informal learning. Learning, media, and technology, 41(1), 6-30. Retrieved from  https://e-space.mmu.ac.uk/617955/3/Recrafting%20formal%20education%20final%20draft%20post-refereeing.pdf
Gregory, A., Clawson, K., Davis, A., & Gerewitz, J. (2016). The promise of restorative practices to transform teacher-student relationships and achieve equity in school discipline. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 26(4), 325-353. Retrieved from  http://www.antoniocasella.eu/restorative/Gregory_RJ_2015.pdf
Schofield, J. W., & Davidson, A. L. (2017). The impact of internet use on relationships between teachers and students. In Culture, Technology, and Development (pp. 62-79). Psychology Press. Retrieved from  https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780203764787/chapters/10.4324/9780203764787-6
Shariff, S., & Hoff, D. L. (2016). Cyberbullying: Clarifying legal boundaries for school supervision in cyberspace. Retrieved from  http://biblioteca.cejamericas.org/bitstream/handle/2015/472/Cyber_Bullying_School_Supervision.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
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