Courant News Setup

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Neal Poole

Aug 3, 2009, 6:18:59 PM8/3/09
to courantnews

As a Python newbie, I'm finding it really hard to set up the
environment for Courant News. The is great for setting
up the virtualenv itself, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to
configure Apache to actually execute the code properly. Through a
combination of Django install instructions, Google, and trial and
error, I've managed to get Python executing, but I've been running
into issues with settings and URLs. Does anybody know of a good
tutorial that explains how to do a setup like this properly?


Max Cutler

Aug 3, 2009, 8:16:56 PM8/3/09
to courantnews
Hey Neal,

In the past I've used
as a base in setting up my servers. I'm actually currently in the
process of writing a script that will set everything up from a stock
Ubuntu install in preparation for deploying Courant for the YDN. I'd
be happy to pass that along when it's done (probably in about 2-3
weeks), but in the meantime I'd be more than happy to help you set up
your server manually.

The key points are that you want to deploy using mod_wsgi on Apache,
and I usually put Nginx in front of that to server media files. I'm
currently at work, but when I get home I can post some sample config
files that I use on my dev machine.


Neal Poole

Aug 3, 2009, 8:24:35 PM8/3/09
Hey Max,

That tutorial looks really helpful: thanks for the link! I'll play
around with this on my server and let you know how everything goes.

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