Looking for an example of CouchRest doing a http POST to support the 'keys' query paramter

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Mike Papper

Sep 17, 2014, 8:17:28 PM9/17/14
to couc...@googlegroups.com
I would like to run a CouchDB view against a specific set of keys (more than just 1 single key and not a range of startkey/endkey). The Apache Couchdb docs show its possible using GET and POST using the 'keys' query parameter:


But this doesnt seem to be supported by Couchrest, because when I do a POST to a view I see this error:

    RestClient::MethodNotAllowed: 405 Method Not Allowed
Im not sure if this is from the couchserver (passed back to couchrest's client) or couchrest itself.

When I do a GET with the keys parameter, I end up with no documents (Im pretty sure Im URL encoding correctly). See below for code (from the rails console) that shows this:

db = CouchDb.connect('http://localhost:5984/db')

I do this to POST to my views:

 info = CouchRest.post "http://localhost:5984/db/_design/content/views/viewname", nil, {:keys => ['a','b']}
    =>RestClient::MethodNotAllowed: 405 Method Not Allowed

Example using GET via the CouchRest .view function:
    db.view('viewname?keys=%5B%5B%22KEY1%22%5D%5D') # URL decoded as: '[["KEY1"]]' <= NOTE the extra set of [] needed to make this work
        => will return data

but when I try to retrieve more than 1 key or 1 key without using [[key]] syntax, it fails...
    db.view('viewname?keys=%5B%22KEY1%22%5D') # URL decoded as: '["KEY1"]' <= does not work

    db.view('viewname?keys=%5B%5B%22KEY1%22,%22KEY2%22%5D%5D') # URL decoded as: '[["KEY1","KEY2"]]' <= did not URL encode the comma

    db.view('viewname?keys=%5B%5B%22KEY1%22%2C%22KEY2%22%5D%5D') # URL decoded as: '[["KEY1","KEY2"]]' <= did url encode the comma

Does someone know the correct/canonical way to do a POST to run a view on CouchDB using the couchrest API? And could share an example or two?


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