absolute chromosome coordinates

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7 дек. 2008 г., 04:09:4407.12.2008
– cotr...@googlegroups.com
+ In results files, implement absolute chromosome coordinates

We replaced the older "relative to promoter start" coordinates of putative TFBS with absolute chromosome coordinates.

Here's an example of interpreting coordinates:
  • let's assume TFBS length is 15
  • one TFBS was found for the forward-strand gene A at 11'567'943; another one - for reverse-strand gene B at 5'948'128, both on chromosome 16
  • for gene A, TFBS position will be 16:11'567'943-11'567'957 (start position = "position" column, end position = "position" column + 14; coordinates are inclusive)
  • for gene B, TFBS position will be 16:5'948'114-5'948'128 (start position = "position" column - 14, end position = "position" column; coordinates are inclusive)
These coordinates can be pasted into either UCSC or Ensembl genome browsers.

Soon we'll add hyper-linked HTML format for results file.

The Help page was updated to reflect the changes.
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