Research Summit on Fundamental Challenges for AI. Mountain View, April 15th.

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Ruairidh Battleday

Mar 29, 2024, 5:02:23 PM3/29/24
to cosyne-discussions
We are most excited to announce the AE Spring Summit on Fundamental Challenges for AI (Computer History Museum, Mountain View; April 15th).

This is a day of keynote talks and panels by leading AI researchers on what the open problems for the development of AI algorithms are, and promising scientific and engineering strategies for solving them. 

Keynotes: Professor Jay McClelland (Stanford / DeepMind)
Professor Sergey Levine (UC Berkeley)

CoSyne attendees can receive a 20% discount by using code COSYN24!

We have invited speakers and representatives from the following five technical stakeholder groups to this Summit:
  • Academia
  • Tech
  • FROs / nonprofits
  • Start-up
  • VCs / Funders
By soliciting answers and discussions from scientists and leaders at these different groups we hope to also examine what their different roles will be in the next period of AI research, and to foster the sharing of research between them.

This should be an exciting and productive day, and we have made lower-priced tickets  available for students and early-stage researchers. Lunch and a reception will be provided.

We look forward to seeing some of you there, and please feel free to share news about the event on social media.

The Thinking About Thinking Team

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Ruairidh Battleday

Apr 8, 2024, 4:25:01 AM4/8/24
to cosyne-discussions

We are most excited to announce the final line-up and substantially reduced ticket prices for the AE Spring Summit on Fundamental Challenges for AI. Computer History Museum, Mountain View; April 15th.

This is a day of keynote talks and panels by leading AI researchers on what the open problems for ML/AI development are, and promising scientific and engineering strategies for solving them.


Professor Jay McClelland (Stanford / DeepMind)

Professor Bin Yu (UC Berkeley)

Professor Diyi Yang (Stanford)

Professor Sergey Levine (UC Berkeley)


New Landscapes for AI Research

New Professional Pathways

Challenges for AI in Biomedicine

Fundamental Challenges

We have invited speakers and representatives from the following five technical stakeholder groups to this Summit:



FROs / nonprofits


VCs / Funders

By soliciting answers and discussions from scientists and leaders at these different groups we hope to also examine what their different roles will be in the next period of AI research, and to foster the sharing of research.

Full details can be found at

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