Positions open at the Talmo Lab in NeuroAI/Software Engineering/Climate Change

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Talmo Pereira

Oct 18, 2024, 3:44:23 PM10/18/24
to cosyne-discussions
Dear friends,

We are hiring for a variety of positions across several levels and a diverse array of fun collaborative projects ranging from NeuroAI to plant biology for climate change using advanced computational methods and scientific software engineering — see below for more details.

The lab is located at the historic Salk Institute in sunny San Diego, CA, steps away from the ocean. We abide by the philosophy that happy people do better science, with a strong emphasis on individual professional development and career progression.

Please share widely and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!


Talmo & the group
The group, ca. 2024. Photo credit: Chris Keeney

Open Positions in the Talmo Lab @ Salk (Oct 2024)

[NeuroAI] Postdoctoral Fellow (joint with Eiman Azim): Our groups are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with strong expertise in biomechanics, deep reinforcement learning and/or NeuroAI to work with us on simulating brains, bodies and behavior.

[Phenotyping] Research Assistant (joint with Eiman Azim): Our groups are looking for a full-time research assistant to help us develop our high throughput behavioral phenotyping systems for characterizing the progression of neurodegenerative diseases in rodents.

[NeuroAI/SLEAP] Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Intern: We are taking undergraduate summer students through Salk’s SURF Program. Positions are available in either modeling or software engineering for computational neuroscience.

[SLEAP] Bioinformatics Analyst: Junior software engineering position to work in the SLEAP team on cloud-based platform engineering to facilitate the use of deep learning-based technology for motion capture. Job posting will be available soon—email ta...@salk.edu if interested.

[Plants] Bioinformatics Analyst: Junior software engineering position to work with a team on a cloud-based platform that serves as a data warehouse for multi-omic data in support of Salk’s Harnessing Plants Initiative and our mission to enhance carbon sequestration in crops to curb climate change. Job posting will be available soon—email ta...@salk.edu if interested.


NeuroAI: We are working to develop new technologies and frameworks that aim to establish DNNs as a substrate for modeling brains, bodies and behavior. This involves the use of 3D pose tracking, biomechanics, physics simulation (MuJoCo), deep reinforcement learning and biologically-constrained network engineering. Applicants for this project will collaborate closely with the labs of Eiman Azim (Salk), Bing Brunton (UW), Scott Linderman (Stanford, Kanaka Rajan (Harvard) and Bence Ölveczky (Harvard) supported by a BRAIN U01 (1U01NS136507-01).

Phenotyping: We have developed a large-scale, 24/7 continuous home cage monitoring system for lifetime rodent behavioral phenotyping using advanced deep learning. The goal of this project is to identify behavioral biomarkers that enable earlier detection and mapping of the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. Applicants for this project will be jointly supervised by Eiman Azim and supported by Project ALS.

SLEAP: Our lab maintains SLEAP, an open-source software framework for multi-animal pose tracking that has been widely adopted (1000+ citations, 120k+ downloads, 18k+ users, 65+ countries). This project aims to enhance accessibility by building cloud-based tooling that augment the core SLEAP workflow. This project is supported by a BRAIN RF1 (1RF1MH132653-01).

Plants: Salk is home to the Harnessing Plants Initiative, a multi-lab collaboration that aims to curb climate change by developing crop plants with enhanced carbon sequestration in their roots. We are developing cloud-based data repositories that integrate advanced phenotypic and genetic data to enable generative modeling of biological processes. Applicants for this project will be jointly supervised by Wolfgang Busch and Todd Michael, and supported by the Harnessing Plants Initiative.

Talmo Pereira, PhD
PH (858) 453-4100 x1040
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Salk Institute for Biological Studies
10010 N Torrey Pines Rd  La Jolla, CA 92037

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