Computational/AI/ML/Modeling Neuroscience Fellowships at Yale’s Wu Tsai Institute

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Giovanna Guerrero-Medina

Sep 9, 2024, 4:05:22 PM9/9/24
to cosyne-discussions

Dear colleagues, 


The Wu Tsai Postdoctoral Fellowships are now open to applications. Please share this email and the attached flyer with soon-to-be or recent PhDs interested in computational interdisciplinary research in neuroscience, cognition, or other areas related to the mission of the Wu Tsai Institute (WTI) at Yale. We particularly encourage applications from scientists who are from underrepresented backgrounds and/or who have a demonstrated commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. International applicants are welcome.


The program offers a generous stipend ($85K for this current call), with yearly increases, for up to 3 years and funds for training and relocation. Fellows also benefit from a mentoring committee, professional development programming, shared research facilities, internal research funding opportunities, and other resources offered by the Institute to advance their scientific training and career advancement. 


This year, we are recruiting applicants for our Computational Track. This track welcomes applications from early-career researchers interested in computational theory, analysis, and modeling of neuroscience data and concepts. Applicants should have expertise in computer science, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, engineering, applied math, applied physics, or related fields. Applicants for the Computational track do not need to pre-identify a faculty advisor. Instead, once accepted, Fellows establish a mentoring committee that includes the Director of the Institute’s Center for Neurocomputation and Machine Intelligence as well as additional Wu Tsai Faculty Members of interest. This allows the Fellow to develop one or more collaborative projects in pursuit of their goals and interests. 


The deadline for applications is October 15. Candidates can find more information, past awardees, and application instructions here:


Feel free to forward this email to anyone interested and encourage them to apply. 




Giovanna Guerrero-Medina, PhD 


Director for Diversity Equity & Inclusion,  

Wu Tsai Institute at Yale


2024_WTI Postdoc Fellowships Slide.pdf
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