The annual Cosyne meeting provides an inclusive forum for the exchange of empirical and theoretical approaches to problems in systems neuroscience, in order to understand how neural systems function.
The MAIN MEETING is single-track. A set of invited talks is selected by the Executive Committee, and additional talks and posters are selected by the Program Committee, based on submitted abstracts. The WORKSHOPS feature in-depth discussion of current topics of interest, in a small group setting.
Cosyne topics include but are not limited to: neural basis of behavior, sensory and motor systems, circuitry, learning, neural coding, natural scene statistics, dendritic computation, neural basis of persistent activity, nonlinear receptive field mapping, representations of time and sequence, reward systems, decision-making, synaptic plasticity, map formation and plasticity, population coding, attention, neuromodulation, and computation with spiking networks.
Applications are now open for travel grants to attend the conference. Each awardee will receive at least $500 to help offset the costs of travel, registration, and accommodations. Larger grants may be available to those traveling from outside North America. Special consideration is given to scientists who have not previously attended the meeting, under-represented minorities, students who are attending the meeting together with a mentor, undergraduate students, and authors of submitted Cosyne abstracts. We currently offer five travel grant programs for New Attendees, Presenters, Mentors, Undergraduates, and Childcare travel grants. For details on applying, see
Cosyne 2023 will host tutorial sessions on 09 March 2023. For details on Cosyne tutorials please visit
Cosyne 2023 Tutorial Session Sponsored by the Simons Foundation Topic: Methods in Reinforcement Learning for Neuroscience Speaker: Kimberly Stachenfeld (DeepMind) Kimberly Stachenfeld is a Research Scientist at DeepMind. Her research spans topics in Computational Neuroscience and Machine Learning, and focuses on the general question of how to learn structured, expressive world models that enable flexible reasoning. In ML, she is specifically interested in methods and applications for learned forward models using graph neural networks, and in Neuroscience, she mainly works on mathematical models of hippocampal representations to efficient, scalable RL learning.
Learn to Use the International Brain Laboratory (IBL) Brainwide Map Dataset Tutorial The IBL recently released a Brainwide Map of neural activity during decision-making! It consists of 547 Neuropixel recordings of 32784 neurons across 194 regions of the mouse brain, and we want to make it easy for you to use it to test your own hypotheses. At this tutorial we’ll teach you how to use our API, ONE, to search and download datasets, and will show you how to do basic analysis such as raster plots, single cell PSTHs, and brain region averages.
INVITED SPEAKERS Demba Ba (Harvard University) Camilla Bellone (University of Geneva) Frans de Waal (Emory University) Tatiana Engel (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) Robert Froemke (New York University) Catherine Hartley (New York University) Sheena Josselyn (SickKids) Adam Kepecs (Washington University) Tim Lillicrap (DeepMind) Mackenzie Mathis (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Srdjan Ostojic (École Normale Supérieure) Anne-Marie Oswald (University of Chicago) Nathalie Rochefort (University of Edinburgh) Maryam Shanechi (University of Southern California) Kimberly Stachenfeld (DeepMind)
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chairs: Laura Busse (LMU Munich) and Tim Vogels (IST Austria) Program Chairs: Jessica Cardin (Yale) and Blake Richards (McGill) Workshop Chairs: Anna Schapiro (U Penn) and Andrew Saxe (Oxford) Tutorial Chair: Kanaka Rajan (Mount Sinai) DEIA Committee: Hysell Oviedo (CUNY) and Aman Saleem (UCL) Undergraduate Travel Chairs: Angela Langdon (Princeton) and Sashank Pisupati (Princeton) Fundraising Chair: Michael Long (NYU) Social Media Chair: Grace Lindsay (Columbia) Audio-Video Media Chair: Carlos Stein Brito (EPFL) Poster Design: Xaq Pitkow (Rice)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Jessica Cardin (Yale) Co-chair Blake Richards (McGill) Co-chair Yashar Ahmadian (Cambridge) Mark Andermann (Harvard) Omri Barak (Technion) Brice Bathellier (Paris) Yoram Burak (Hebrew University) Johannes Burge (U Penn) Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (Boston U) SueYeon Chung (Columbia) Jeremiah Cohen (Allen Inst) Anne Collins (Berkeley) Christine Constantinople (NYU) Carina Curto (Penn State) Jan Drugowitsch (Harvard) Tatiana Engel (CSHL) Sean Escola (Columbia) Annegret Falkner (Princeton) Kevin Franks (Duke) Rainer Friedrich (FMI Basel) Andrea Hasenstaub (UCSF) Monika Jadi (Yale) Santiago Jaramillo (U Oregon) Kohitij Kar (MIT) Narayanan Kasthuri (U Chicago) Jens Kremkow (Berlin) Guillaume Lajoie (MILA) Sukbin Lim (Shanghai) Scott Linderman (Stanford) Ashok Litwin-Kumar (Columbia) Mackenzie Mathis (EPFL) Paul Miller (Brandeis) Ida Momennejad (Microsoft) Eilif Muller (U Montreal) Marieke Mur (Western U) Kathy Nagel (NYU) Daniel O'Connor (Johns Hopkins) Hysell Oviedo (CUNY) Il Memming Park (Stony Brook) Joseph Paton (Champalimaud) Adrien Peyrache (McGill) Xaq Pitkow (Rice) Kanaka Rajan (Mount Sinai) Nathalie Rochefort (Edinburgh) Aman Saleem (UCL) Cristina Savin (NYU) Tatyana Sharpee (Salk) Aparna Suvrathan (McGill) Saori Tanaka (ATR) Daniela Vallentin (MPI Ornithology) Melissa Warden (Cornell) Brad Wyble (U Penn) Marta Zlatic (Cambridge)
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Stephanie Palmer (U Chicago) Zachary Mainen (Champalimaud) Alexandre Pouget (U Geneva) Anthony Zador (CSHL) Anne-Marie Oswald (U Chicago)