The Cosyne abstract deadline is approaching rapidly. Abstracts are due November 12, 2020 by 11.59pm PST.
---------------------------------------------------- COSYNE MENTORING FORUM ----------------------------------------------------
Mentoring Forum provides a platform for discussions among Cosyne
participants, particularly for help with composing abstracts for the
meeting and getting feedback before submission. Given that Cosyne will
be completely online, it is a great year to make Cosyne more inclusive.
The forum is intended to be a place to connect with other computational
and systems neuroscientists, and help (especially but not limited to
women, people of color, people from less-privileged
labs/countries/backgrounds, and other underrepresented groups). Forum
members are encouraged to share advice on everything from writing a
great Cosyne abstract to navigating a job search.
If you would
like help revising your abstract before the deadline, or helping provide
feedback to others, please consider joining the forum. Rainer Engelken
and Stephanie Palmer are organizing a google group to offer positive,
constructive critiques of abstracts, along with "pro tips" for conveying
the ideas and impact in your work effectively. Please sign up to review
abstracts and submit your own for feedback. You can email sepalmer [at] directly and also join the Cosyne Mentoring Forum. Visit -> Mailing lists for details on how to subscribe and post
to the forum.
2021 will take place online, February 24 - 26, 2021. The goal of this
year's meeting is to promote early stage investigators. Therefore, there
are no invited talks from established researchers.
The format
will include featured contributed talks chosen from submitted abstracts,
and interactive poster-like presentations (short recorded presentation +
live interactions). More details to follow.
All abstract
submissions will be reviewed as in previous years, but reviewing will be
fully double blind. When preparing an abstract, authors should be aware
that not all abstracts can be accepted for the meeting. Abstracts will
be selected based on the clarity with which they convey the substance,
significance, and originality of the work to be presented.
year, because of the generous support of donors, we will be able to make
registration low- or no-cost for a large number of attendees.
Registration will open after final decisions are made on abstracts in
January 2021. Registration rates will be $25 for students and postdocs,
$100 for all other academics, and $150 for corporate attendees. We will
have a fee waiver open for >1000 registrants. We will share
additional details as support is finalized in the next few weeks.
2021 main meeting will be preceded by an online Cosyne Tutorial Session
led by Kanaka Rajan (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) on 23
February 2021. More details will be posted on
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General & Program Chairs: Anne-Marie Oswald (U Pittsburgh) and Srdjan Ostojic (Ecole Normale Superieure Paris) Diversity Chairs: Eva Dyer (Georgia Tech, Emory) and Eric Shea-Brown (U Washington) Publicity Chair: Adam Calhoun (Princeton) Tutorial Chair: Il Memming Park (Stony Brook) Development Chair: Michael Long (NYU)
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Stephanie Palmer (U Chicago) Zachary Mainen (Champalimaud) Alexandre Pouget (U Geneva) Anthony Zador (CSHL)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Athena Akrami (UCL) Demba Ba (Harvard) Omri Barak (Technion) Brice Bathellier (Paris) Yoram Burak (Hebrew University) Christine Constantinople (NYU) Saskia De Vries (Allen Institute) Victor de Lafuente (UNAM Mexico) Jan Drugowitsch (Harvard) Tatiana Engel (CSHL) Annegret Falkner (Princeton) Kevin Franks (Duke) Tim Hanks (UC Davis) Ann Hermundstad (Janelia) Andrew Leifer (Princeton) Sukbin Lim (Shanghai) Scott Linderman (Stanford) Mackenzie Mathis (EPFL Lausanne) Ida Momennejad (Microsoft) Cris Niell (U Oregon) Il Memming Park (Stony Brook) Adrien Peyrache (McGill Montreal) Kanaka Rajan (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) Robert Rosenbaum (Notre Dame) Christina Savin (NYU) Marshal Shuler (Johns Hopkins) Daniela Vallentin (Max Planck Munich)
The Cosyne abstract deadline is approaching rapidly. Abstracts are due November 12, 2020 by 11.59pm PST.
---------------------------------------------------- COSYNE MENTORING FORUM ----------------------------------------------------
Cosyne Mentoring Forum provides a platform for discussions among Cosyne participants, particularly for help with composing abstracts for the meeting and getting feedback before submission. Given that Cosyne will be completely online, it is a great year to make Cosyne more inclusive. The forum is intended to be a place to connect with other computational and systems neuroscientists, and help (especially but not limited to women, people of color, people from less-privileged labs/countries/backgrounds, and other underrepresented groups). Forum members are encouraged to share advice on everything from writing a great Cosyne abstract to navigating a job search.
If you would like help revising your abstract before the deadline, or helping provide feedback to others, please consider joining the forum. Rainer Engelken and Stephanie Palmer are organizing a google group to offer positive, constructive critiques of abstracts, along with "pro tips" for conveying the ideas and impact in your work effectively. Please sign up to review abstracts and submit your own for feedback. You can email sepalmer [at] directly and also join the Cosyne Mentoring Forum. Visit -> Mailing lists for details on how to subscribe and post to the forum.
Cosyne 2021 will take place online, February 24 - 26, 2021. The goal of this year's meeting is to promote early stage investigators. Therefore, there are no invited talks from established researchers.
The format will include featured contributed talks chosen from submitted abstracts, and interactive poster-like presentations (short recorded presentation + live interactions). More details to follow.
All abstract submissions will be reviewed as in previous years, but reviewing will be fully double blind. When preparing an abstract, authors should be aware that not all abstracts can be accepted for the meeting. Abstracts will be selected based on the clarity with which they convey the substance, significance, and originality of the work to be presented.
This year, because of the generous support of donors, we will be able to make registration low- or no-cost for a large number of attendees. Registration will open after final decisions are made on abstracts in January 2021. Registration rates will be $25 for students and postdocs, $100 for all other academics, and $150 for corporate attendees. We will have a fee waiver open for >1000 registrants. We will share additional details as support is finalized in the next few weeks.
Cosyne 2021 main meeting will be preceded by an online Cosyne Tutorial Session led by Kanaka Rajan (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) on 23 February 2021. More details will be posted on
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General & Program Chairs: Anne-Marie Oswald (U Pittsburgh) and Srdjan Ostojic (Ecole Normale Superieure Paris) Diversity Chairs: Eva Dyer (Georgia Tech, Emory) and Eric Shea-Brown (U Washington) Publicity Chair: Adam Calhoun (Princeton) Tutorial Chair: Il Memming Park (Stony Brook) Development Chair: Michael Long (NYU)
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Stephanie Palmer (U Chicago) Zachary Mainen (Champalimaud) Alexandre Pouget (U Geneva) Anthony Zador (CSHL)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Athena Akrami (UCL) Demba Ba (Harvard) Omri Barak (Technion) Brice Bathellier (Paris) Yoram Burak (Hebrew University) Christine Constantinople (NYU) Saskia De Vries (Allen Institute) Victor de Lafuente (UNAM Mexico) Jan Drugowitsch (Harvard) Tatiana Engel (CSHL) Annegret Falkner (Princeton) Kevin Franks (Duke) Tim Hanks (UC Davis) Ann Hermundstad (Janelia) Andrew Leifer (Princeton) Sukbin Lim (Shanghai) Scott Linderman (Stanford) Mackenzie Mathis (EPFL Lausanne) Ida Momennejad (Microsoft) Cris Niell (U Oregon) Il Memming Park (Stony Brook) Adrien Peyrache (McGill Montreal) Kanaka Rajan (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) Robert Rosenbaum (Notre Dame) Christina Savin (NYU) Marshal Shuler (Johns Hopkins) Daniela Vallentin (Max Planck Munich)