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COSYNE 2024: Call for Workshop Proposals; Call for Abstracts

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Oct 10, 2023, 4:56:21 PM10/10/23
to Cosyne-announce

Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2024 (Cosyne)

29 February - 03 March 2024
Lisbon, Portugal

04 March - 05 March 2024
Cascais, Portugal



  Abstract submission is now open.
  Workshop proposal submission deadline: 10 November 2023
  Abstract submission deadline: 19 November 2023


The annual Cosyne meeting provides an inclusive forum for the exchange of empirical and theoretical approaches to problems in systems neuroscience, in order to understand how neural systems function.

The MAIN MEETING is single-track. A set of invited talks is selected by the Executive Committee, and additional talks and posters are selected by the Program Committee, based on submitted abstracts. The WORKSHOPS feature in-depth discussion of current topics of interest, in a small group setting.

All abstract submissions will be reviewed double blind. The deadline for Abstract submission will be 19 November 2023.

Cosyne topics include but are not limited to: neural basis of behavior, sensory and motor systems, circuitry, learning, neural coding, natural scene statistics, dendritic computation, neural basis of persistent activity, nonlinear receptive field mapping, representations of time and sequence, reward systems, decision-making, synaptic plasticity, map formation and plasticity, population coding, attention, neuromodulation, and computation with spiking networks.

We would like to foster increased participation from experimental groups as well as computational ones. Please circulate widely and encourage your students and postdocs to apply.

When preparing an abstract, authors should be aware that not all abstracts can be accepted for the meeting. Abstracts will be selected based on the clarity with which they convey the substance, significance, and originality of the work to be presented.


A series of workshops will be held after the main Cosyne meeting. The goal is to provide an informal forum for the discussion of important research questions and challenges. Controversial issues, open problems, comparisons of competing approaches, and alternative viewpoints are encouraged.

The overarching goal of all workshops should be the integration of empirical and theoretical approaches, in an environment that fosters collegial discussion and debate.

- There will be 6-10 workshops/day, running in parallel.
- Each workshop is expected to draw between 15 and 80 people.
- The workshops will be split into morning and late afternoon sessions.
- Workshops will be held in Cascais, Portugal.
- Workshop speakers do NOT receive free registration, travel expenses, or accommodation for either the main meeting or the workshop sessions. Organizers should let invited speakers know that they are expected to pay for workshop registration fees.

Workshop organizer responsibilities include coordinating workshop participation and content, scheduling all speakers, submitting a final schedule for the workshop program, and moderating the discussion. Organizers can, but need not, be speakers. One complimentary (free) organizer registration is provided per workshop. For workshops with two organizers, the free registration can be given to one of the organizers or split evenly between them.

Any required multimedia resources beyond a projector, screen, and microphones will be the responsibility of the workshop organizers to coordinate with Cosyne and the workshop venue A/V staff.


As stated above, the goal of Cosyne workshops is to provide an interactive, informal forum for discussions. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: sensory processing; motor planning and control; functional neural circuits; motivation, reward and decision making; learning and memory; adaptation and plasticity; neural coding; neural circuitry and network models; and methods in computational or systems neuroscience.

Workshop proposals will be evaluated by the Cosyne Workshop Chairs, and a subset of the proposals will be selected. The proposals will be evaluated according to the following six metrics (which will be weighted equally):

- Relevance to the Cosyne community
- Integration of experimental and theoretical issues
- Current interest in the topic in the scientific community
- Potential for new research directions and interactions to emerge
- Distinctive scope/approach compared to other workshops (including previous years’)
- Diversity and equity in the proposed speaker (we are looking for representation of women or nonbinary individuals, individuals from other underrepresented groups, and a balance of established and early career researchers)

WORKSHOP FULL PROPOSALS - Deadline 10 November 2023

To submit your Cosyne 2024 Workshop Proposal, please visit -> Workshops -> Call for Proposals

In order to foster discussion within Workshops and reduce overlap between workshops, organizers should inform invited speakers that a speaker can take part in no more than two Workshops.

The proposals will include:
- Name(s) and email address(es) of the organizers (2 organizers per session is strongly recommended, but 3 will be allowed).
- A title.
- A brief description of 1) what the workshop will address and accomplish, 2) why the topic is of interest, 3) who is the targeted group of participants.
- Names and email addresses of speakers, who should already have agreed to participate should the proposal be accepted.
- Proposed workshop length (1 or 2 days). Most workshops will be limited to a single day. If you think your workshop needs two days, please explain why.
- A brief resume of the workshop organizer(s) along with a short list of workshop-relevant publications (about half a page total).
- A description of how you have addressed diversity and equity in your workshop.  

Experience has shown that the best discussions during a workshop are those that arise spontaneously. A good way to foster these is to have short talks and long question periods (e.g. 30+15 minutes), and to have plenty of breaks. We recommend keeping the number of talks small (i.e., fewer than 10 talks per day).


Detailed registration costs, etc, will be at Please note: Cosyne does NOT provide travel funding for workshop speakers. Organizers should let invited speakers know that they are expected to pay for workshop registration fees. Participants are encouraged to register early, in order to qualify for discounted registration rates. One complimentary (free) organizer registration is provided per workshop. For workshops with two organizers, the free registration can be given to one of the organizers or split evenly between them.

  SueYeon Chung (NYU/Flatiron) and Andrew Saxe (Oxford)

  workshops [at]

                COSYNE 2024 COMMITTEES

  General Chairs: Jessica Cardin (Yale) and Blake Richards (McGill)
  Program Chairs: Bing Brunton (U Washington) and Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (Boston U)
  Workshop Chairs: SueYeon Chung (NYU/Flatiron) and Andrew Saxe (Oxford)  
  Tutorial Chair: Il Memming Park (Champalimaud)
  Undergraduate Travel Chairs: Kimberly Stachenfeld (DeepMind) and Marcelo Mattar (NYU)
  DEIA Committee: Hysell Oviedo (Washington U) and Luke Sjulson (Albert Einstein)
  Fundraising Chair: Michael Long (NYU)
  Social Media Chair: Sabera Talukder (Caltech)
  Audio-Video Media Chair: Carlos Stein Brito (Champalimaud)
  Poster Design: Maja Bialon

  Bing Brunton (U Washington) Co-chair
  Chandramouli Chandrasekaran (Boston U) Co-chair
  Timothy Buschman (Princeton)
  Alex Cayco Gajic (Ecole Normale Superieure)
  Hannah Choi (Gatech)
  Brian DePasquale (Boston U)
  Sridhar Devarajan (Indian Inst Sci)
  Laura Driscoll (Stanford)
  Ann Duan (UCL)
  Lea Duncker (Stanford)
  Annegret Falkner (Princeton)
  Juan Gallego (Imperial)
  Matthew Golub (U Washington)
  Bilal Haider (Georgia Tech)
  Kiah Hardcastle (Harvard)
  Kameron Harris (W Washington U)
  Santiago Jaramillo (U Oregon)
  Jonathan Kao (UCLA)
  Kohitij Kar (York U)
  Ann Kennedy (Northwestern)
  Guillaume Lajoie (MILA)
  Laura Lewis (MIT)
  Camilo Libedinsky (National U Singapore)
  Scott Linderman (Stanford)
  Ashok Litwin-Kumar (Columbia)
  Emily Mackevicius (Basis)
  Leenoy Meshulam (U Washington)
  Jonathan Michaels (York U)
  James Murray (U Oregon)
  Hendrikje Nienborg (NIH)
  Gouki Okazawa (Chinese Acad Sci)
  Chethan Pandarinath (Emory)
  Il Memming Park (Champalimaud)
  Hannah Payne (Columbia)
  Talmo Pereira (Salk)
  Supratim Ray (Indian Inst Sci)
  Erin Rich (Mount Sinai)
  Ben Scott (Boston U)
  Alireza Soltani (Dartmouth)
  Nicholas Steinmetz (U Washington)
  Marie Suver (Vanderbilt)
  Aparna Suvrathan (McGill)
  John Tuthill (U Washington)
  Ali Weber (Bryn Mawr)
  Brady Weissbourd (MIT)
  Alex Williams (NYU)
  Klaus Wimmer (CRM)
  Brad Wyble (Penn State)

  Stephanie Palmer (U Chicago)
  Anne-Marie Oswald (U Pittsburgh)
  Zachary Mainen (Champalimaud)
  Alexandre Pouget (U Geneva)
  Anthony Zador (CSHL)

   meeting [at]


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