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Seeking mentors for the Cosyne 2023 Undergraduate Travel Grant Program (free main meeting registration)

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Feb 7, 2023, 8:39:55 AM2/7/23
to Cosyne-announce
The Cosyne Undergraduate Travel Grant, now in its seventh year, is a program that brings about 8 undergraduates to the conference, especially from under-represented and under-served groups. As part of the program, we are seeking “conference mentors” to pair the students with: a graduate student or postdoc who can orient them to the field and guide them through the information overload of a scientific conference.

Duties include: meeting the students on the first day, guiding them through a poster session and generally making them feel welcome!

Benefits include: free (student/postdoc) registration for the main conference.

If you’re interested in applying, please fill out this form: -  please send any additional questions to Angela Langdon (alangdon [at] and Sashank Pisupati (pisupati [at]

Best regards,
Sashank Pisupati and Angela Langdon
Undergraduate Travel Grant Organizers, Cosyne 2023
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