Taking COSATU Today Forward, 18 June 2024

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Norman Mampane

Jun 18, 2024, 3:11:11 AMJun 18
to cosatu-d...@gmail.com, cosatu-d...@googlegroups.com, Khanyisile Fakude, Alfred Mafuleka, Babsy Nhlapo, Zingi...@gmail.com, Dibuseng Pakose, Dolly Ngali, Gert...@cosatu.org.za, Jabulile Tshehla, Nhlanhla Ngwenya, Nthabiseng Moloi, Tshidi Makhathini, Bongani Masuku, masukub...@gmail.com, Freda Oosthuysen, Khaliphile Cotoza, Kopano Konopi, Louisa Nxumalo, Matthew Parks, Mkhawuleli Maleki, Monyatso Mahlatsi, Mph...@cosatu.org.za, nts...@cosatu.org.za, Patience Lebatlang, phi...@cosatu.org.za, Ruth Mosiane, Solly Phetoe, Thabo Mokoena, Thandi Makapela, Thokozani Mtini, Toeki Kgabo, Tony Ehrenreich, wel...@cosatu.org.za, Zingiswa Losi, Norman Mampane, Donald Ratau, Fi...@cosatu.org.za, Sis...@cosatu.org.za, Edwin Mkhize, Gerald Twala, Sizwe Pamla, Abel Tlhole Pitso, tam...@cosatu.org.za, Tshepo Mabulana, Gosalamang Jantjies, Mpheane Lepaku, Lebogang Mulaisi, Jan Mahlangu, Thabo Mahlangu, James Mhlabane, Paul Bester, Benoni Mokgongoana, Moji Lethuloe, Parks, Mampane External, Malvern de Bruyn, Orapeleng Moraladi, Mich...@nehawu.org.za, thi...@saccawu.org.za, Louisa Thipe, Itumeleng Molatlhegi, Nelly Masombuka, Matimu Shivalo, Emanuel Mooketsi, Sihle Dlomo, Collins Matsepe, Sandra Khoza, kamo...@cosatu.org.za, nom...@cosatu.org.za, Sonia Mabunda-Kaziboni, Kabelo Kgoro, Mzoli Xola, Boitumelo Molete, Mongezi Mbelwane, Zimasa Ziqubu, Ntombizodwa Pooe, Kgaladi Makuwa, Tengo Tengela, siya.mg...@gmail.com, Nonzuzo Dlamini, Cleopatra Kakaza, Denise Gaorwe, Daniel Itumeleng Moloantoa, Noxolo Bhengu, Avela Sipamla, Kholu Mopeli, Lesego Ndaba, Mpho Tshikalange, Lelethu Faku, Sifiso Xaba, Nomazwazi Tshabalala, Amogelang Diale, Mulalo Murudi, Sekete Moshoeshoe, Baba Mafuleka, Bernard Hlakole, Tanya Van Meelis, Zanele Sabela



#COSATU ordinary CEC scheduled to commence today


Taking COSATU Today Forward

‘Whoever sides with the revolutionary people in deed as well as in word is a revolutionary in the full sense’-Maoo


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Our side of the story

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

‘Building a strong and united COSATU in mobilizing for the ANC electoral victory”

“Build Working Class Unity for Economic Liberation towards Socialism”

Organize or Starve!


o   Workers Parliament: Back to Basics!

  • COSATU rejects Mercedes Benz SA planned job cuts

o   South Africa

  • COSATU calls on GNU to do more for youth
  • COSATU welcomes the re-election of President Ramaphosa, the election of the Premiers and Presiding Officers, and the convening of Parliament and the Provincial Legislatures
  • COSATU welcomes the inauguration of the 7th National Council of Provinces
  • COSATU Mpumalanga congratulates the ANC Provincial Chairperson comrade Mandla Ndlovu on his appointment as the new Premier of Mpumalanga province
  • COSATU in the Free State welcomes the new Legislature

o   International-Workers’ Solidarity!

  • Organizing electronics workers along the entire supply chain

Workers’ Parliament-Back2Basics

COSATU rejects Mercedes Benz SA planned job cuts

Zanele Sabela, Cosatu Spokesperson, 14 June 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) calls on unions in the automotive sector to wage a relentless battle in defence of workers’ jobs after Mercedes Benz South Africa (MBSA) announced its plans to cut hundreds of jobs.  With a 41.9% unemployment rate, we cannot afford to lose a single job.  This will have a devastating impact on the community and value chains of Buffalo City.


On Thursday MBSA announced plans to cut 700 jobs at its East London manufacturing plant. The luxury car maker said it would enter consultations in line with Section 189(3) of the Labour Relations Act, after it resolved to restructure its operations from a three-shift model to a two-shift model. MBSA attributed its decision to restructure to deteriorating macroeconomic conditions and prolonged port challenges.


This development is astounding considering MBSA declared a staggering 35% rise in net profit after tax to R4,447 billion for the year 31 December 2023. A mere six months later, the global automaker is ready to retrench 700 employees, devastating the families that depend on their earnings.


MBSA is the local arm of German automaker Mercedes Benz AG, whose R10 billion investment in the East London factory was announced with much fanfare in 2018 as part of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s investment drive. In 2021, the manufacturing plant started producing the C-Class sedan after an additional R3 billion injection. The investment was lauded as it would create jobs, transfer skills and uplift the surrounding area. 


Now, following a slight slump in first quarter earnings, MBSA is ready to kill 25% of the jobs at the factory. Too often any suggestion of a change in the country’s policies is met with threats of divestment by foreign investors. This stance must be reviewed if foreign investors are to be as fickle as MBSA. South Africa is beset with challenges. We need investors who are in it for the long haul. Dumping workers after one bad quarter does not bode well.


MBSA is undoubtedly aware of the reforms underway at Transnet to ensure the ports are working efficiently. Business is working alongside government and organised labour to ensure factors that have been impending growth are addressed. MBSA must reverse this ill-considered and reckless attack on workers and their families.


COSATU unreservedly pledges support to its affiliate the National Union of Mineworkers, the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa and other unions organising the automotive sector to go to battle and make sure not one of the 700 jobs are lost. South Africa’s unemployment rate is frighteningly high, we cannot afford to lose any jobs.      


The Federation will be engaging the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition as well as Employment and Labour to ensure this bloodbath is halted, in addition to ensuring the challenges at Transnet Freight Rail and Ports are resolved to ensure our export industries can take off and jobs can be created.

Issued by COSATU.

South Africa

COSATU calls on GNU to do more for youth


Zanele Sabela, Cosatu Spokesperson, 16 June 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) pays homage to the youth of 1976, who by taking to the streets energised the struggle against the oppressive apartheid regime and sparked a chain of events that ultimately led to the dawn of democracy.


Once again, this year’s Youth Day finds us at a crossroad. Disappointingly, young people still face a myriad challenges 48 years later. The unemployment rate among youth aged between 15 and 24 is shockingly high at 60%. The school drop-out rate is not any better; out of 100 pupils that start Grade 1, it is estimated that only 40 will sit for the National Senior Certificate. And of the 40, only 12 will qualify for further studies.


As the government of national unity (GNU) takes shape, COSATU calls for the inclusion of young blood in Cabinet, as it is young people who will bring fresh ideas and focus to the challenges that are bedevilling their peers.


According to Statistics SA, a young person’s chances of securing a job are drastically improved if they possess a tertiary qualification. It is therefore crucial that the problems at the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) are resolved speedily. The days of students wondering where their next meal will come from because their monthly allowance has not been paid, must become a thing of the past. Equally, students shouldn’t have to worry about being evicted from their places of residence because once again NSFAS has failed to their landlords. We support the recent appointment of the NSFAS administrator and look forward to a reformed, efficient student funder.


COSATU calls for the expansion of the Presidential Employment Programme to accommodate at least 2 million participants to help address the high unemployment rate.  The GNU should similarly roll out the ANC’s commitment to establishing a National Youth Service under the South African National Defence Force.


The private sector must also come to the party and offer employment opportunities via internships and artisan programmes. This will ensure young people attain skills, kickstart their careers, are less dependent on their families and social grants. An added benefit is young people who are gainfully employed are less likely to be involved in criminal activities.


The private sector-led Youth Employment Service (YES) makes it easier for companies to employ young people. Companies that do not have the administrative capacity to set up their own internship programmes should enquire about the YES programme.


The GNU must prioritise investing in the basic education system by providing basic infrastructure and getting rid of mud classes and pit latrines. South Africans cannot bear to hear of yet another child who fell into a pit latrine. The daily struggle of children who are forced to swim across rivers to get to school must become a distant bad memory, in particular children living on farms and in villages.


Measures to ensure children can read for meaning must be implemented with speed.


This will go a long way towards improving outcomes for the National Senior Certificate. Attempts to improve the matric pass rate must be strengthened and aim to start much earlier than in the last year of school. 


Expanding access to TVET Colleges must be drastically increased. The SETAs must work towards providing relevant skills for the economy.


Lastly the departments of Social Development and Health must investigate interventions to address substance and drug addiction levels in youth.


Issued by COSATU:


COSATU welcomes the re-election of President Ramaphosa, the election of the Premiers and Presiding Officers, and the convening of Parliament and the Provincial Legislatures

Matthew Parks, COSATU Parliamentary Coordinator, 15 June 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes the re-election of President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, the election of the Premiers and Presiding Officers, and the convening of Parliament and the Provincial Legislatures.  We congratulate our allies, the African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party (SACP) for a well-run election campaign under the most difficult circumstances and for their election to lead national and provincial government and legislatures across the country.


We celebrate the affirmation of gender empowerment by the ANC with the election of strong women as Premiers and Speakers in the National Assembly, the Free State and Limpopo as well as Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, the Northern and Easten Cape.


We are proud of the many products of COSATU who have been elected to Parliament and the Provincial Legislatures and trust they will continue to wage working class struggles in their new deployments.


The Federation notes the declaration of intent establishing a Government of National and Provincial Unity (GNU). Whilst COSATU, as a militant and principled socialist trade union federation, remains deeply opposed to the inclusion of right-wing political parties, in particular the Democratic Alliance, in the GNU, we expect our ally, the ANC, as the leader of the GNU, to honour and respect the clear mandate it received from millions of workers.  This specifically includes respecting the hard won constitutional and labour rights of workers as well as the transformation agenda.  We welcome the inclusion of these principles in the GNU Declaration and will hold government accountable for their implementation without fear or favour.


Equally sacrosanct to the Federation, is for the GNU, led by the ANC, to maintain its transformation programme, including delivering the National Health Insurance and comprehensive social security, supporting the principles of employment equity and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, accelerating the war on crime and corruption, investing in the developmental state and well-resourced public services, intensifying the renewal campaign, supporting the African agenda and pledging solidarity with struggling nations across the world, including the Palestinian people.


The Federation expects the composition of the 7th administration to reflect this mandate and to be unashamedly biased towards the needs of working-class communities.  Once the Presidential Inauguration and the appointment of Cabinet is concluded, it is critical government moves with speed to convene the envisaged indaba with Organised Labour, Business and Civil Society to agree on a clear set of progressive and decisive actions for the 7th administration and then to move with speed to capacitate the state, grow an inclusive economy and create decent jobs.


COSATU will continue to play, without exception, its part on behalf of the working class and in defence of workers.  We will engage with the broader trade union movement to unite Labour and ensure that no attempt by any party to undermine the rights of workers at any level is allowed or entertained.


Workers have given government the privilege to lead.  They expect government to deliver that Better Life for All.  They deserve nothing less.  There are no blank cheques.


Issued by COSATU.


COSATU welcomes the inauguration of the 7th National Council of Provinces

Matthew Parks, COSATU Parliamentary Coordinator, 15 June 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes the inauguration of the 7th National Council of Provinces (NCOP).  We congratulate Ms. Refiloe Mtsweni-Tsipane and Mr. Kenny Mmoiemang from our ally, the African National Congress, on their election as Chairperson and Chief Whip of the NCOP and wish them well.


We are heartened by the ANC’s steadfast belief in affirming women in key leadership positions in Parliament and across the Provincial Legislatures.  This bodes well for ensuring the 7th administration places the empowerment of women, tackling gender-based violence, advancing equal pay for equal work and the many other critical gender rights struggles at the heart of government’s programmes.


COSATU remains concerned by the high turnover we continue to see in Parliament and the challenges this poses to institutional memory in the Legislature and to holding government accountable.  It is important that the NCOP intensify its scrutiny of provincial and local government, from insisting that municipal workers are paid timeously to ensuring working class communities receive quality municipal services to eradicating endemic public procurement corruption. 


The NCOP needs to assert its role in Parliament and end the problematic tendency of the National Assembly sitting on urgent Bills for years and then expecting the NCOP to rush them over a matter of months and thus exposing itself to Constitutional Court challenges.


The Federation will continue to play its role in supporting the important work of the NCOP, and ensuring the voice of workers is heard in this important House of Parliament.


We want to thank the former Members of the NCOP for their efforts on behalf of workers, in particular, the former Chief Whip Mr. Seiso Mohai as well as Select Committee Chairpersons, Mr. Yunus Carrim and Mr. Mandla Rayi. 


They were invaluable allies and champions of working-class struggles.


Issued by COSATU.


COSATU in the Free State welcomes the new Legislature

Monyatso Mahlatsi, COSATU Free State Provincial Secretary, 15 June 2024

Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) Free State wishes to extend its congratulations to our alliance partner the African National Congress for attaining the majority vote in Free State province.


The Federation acknowledges that this election was not an easy one for the alliance. Special thanks to the Free State voters for returning the ANC to power in the province.


We believe that the ANC, through the unfolding renewal project will meet the expectations of communities and workers in this tenure of the 7th Parliament and 7th Free State Provincial Legislature. We will continue to do our work of holding our alliance partner accountable. We will also continue to engage and confront issues in order to regain lost ground in terms of voter confidence.


We welcome the newly elected Premier, Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae, and look forward to engagements as the alliance on the composition of the new executive in the province. The focus should be on service delivery, and while the federation will continue to support good initiatives, we will be equally vocal when things go awry.


We hope and trust that the 7th Free State Provincial Government will prioritize our province and deliver services in line with the ANC Manifesto as mandated by the Free State voters.


Issued by COSATU Free State


COSATU Mpumalanga congratulates the ANC Provincial Chairperson comrade Mandla Ndlovu on his appointment as the new Premier of Mpumalanga province

Thabo Mokoena, COSATU Mpumalanga Provincial Secretary, 15 June 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions join millions of Mpumalanga citizens in congratulating comrade Mandla Ndlovu, the ANC Provincial Chairperson, in his appointment as the Premier of Mpumalanga.   


Comrade Mandla has demonstrated exceptional ability to advance the unity and cohesion of the alliance and structures of the federation within the province. He has also displayed humility and a willingness to resolve differences whenever they arose.


The federation also appreciates the way the ANC National Elections Committee handled the process of nomination of candidates, by ensuring that capable individuals were appointed in the interest of servicing the poor and the working class.


The federation calls upon all progressive structures of our movement to work towards reclaiming lost ground and regaining the confidence of our communities, to ensure the alliance remains at the center of advancing the goals of the National Democratic Revolution.


Let us all rally behind our movement to advance the goals of our National Democratic Revolution towards a socialist future.    


Issued by COSATU


Organizing electronics workers along the entire supply chain

17 June, 2024

IndustriALL Global Union ICT electrical and electronics steering committee pledges to double organizing efforts to defend workers' rights in the sector. The delegates from twelve countries met on 10-11 June in Kuala Lumpur to debate sectoral activities, focusing on organizing, increasing union density and improving collective bargaining rights. Delegates confirmed their unions’ continued focus to reach out to women, youth, white collar workers and organize them throughout the entire supply chain.

Malaysia’s Electronics Industry Employees Union Coalition continues to advocate for labour law reform including the revamp of the secret ballot formula, requesting over 50 per cent workers’ votes for union representation.

India’s Unions United focuses on organizing migrant workers, contract workers and young workers. 

Thailand’s Confederation of Industrial Labour of Thailand (CILT) is campaigning for ratification of ILO Convention 87 and 98.

The Federation of Korean Metalworkers' Trade Unions (FKMTU) is calling union members to organize "100% workers at my workplace" and companies surrounding their workplaces.

IndustriALL assistant general secretary Kan Matsuzaki said:

"We must organize workers in the battery supply chain because we represent workers in the entire processes; mining, chemical, manufacturing and automotive sectors. It’s our responsibility to promote decent working conditions and build solidarity between unions across the sectors."

Participants expressed concerns that artificial intelligence (AI) has become an important driver of the ICTEE industry and manufacturing jobs might be replaced by AI as technological development might reshape the industry. MIT and Boston University estimate that two million manufacturing workers will be replaced by AI by 2025.

In March 2024, the Artificial Intelligence Act was adopted by the European Parliament, aiming to protect fundamental rights of European citizens, and to ensure AI technologies are safe, traceable and technology-neutral. The Act conceptualized three levels of AI threats - unacceptable risk, high risk, limited risk and minimal risk. Violation of the Act may be penalized up to 7 per cent % of a company's global annual sales amount.

ICTEE steering committee co-chair Masashi Jimbo said:

"Our sector is under pressure to respond to AI; we must find effective strategies to mitigate the impact of AI and digitalization. AI should not have a negative impact on our employment and working conditions. When the sector is growing, both companies and unions must protect jobs and provide reskilling training for workers."

The meeting also discussed occupational safety and health issues in the electronics sector. Samsung Electronics Group Union Solidarity (SEGUS) surveyed plants workers through the company unionized units. According to the study, Samsung workers suffer from musculoskeletal disorders, sleep disorder and depressive disorder.

statement in solidarity with the strike of Samsung Electronics workers and the National Samsung Electronics Union’s sit-in action held on 7 June was adopted, with participants calling on Samsung Electronics to respect labour rights, cease repressing the trade union, and enhance fairness and transparency in the wage determination system.  


Norman Mampane (Shopsteward Editor)

Congress of South African Trade Unions

110 Jorissen Cnr Simmonds Street, Braamfontein, 2017

P.O.Box 1019, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa

Tel: +27 11 339-4911 Direct line: 010 219-1348




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