piecewise regression

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Christoph Ruehlemann

Mar 5, 2018, 5:04:50 AM3/5/18
to corplin...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Can't seem to figure out where the mistake is in this code for a piecewise regression model:

model <- lm(X ~ (xyz < 0.89474) * xyz + (xyz >= 0.89474) * xyz)

Its plot has an ugly V-shape added to the break point (see plot attached):

plot(XYZ ~ xyz, frame=F, type="n")
lines(XYZ, predict(model, list(xyz=XYZ)))

Does anybody spot the mistake?

Piecewise regression.tiff

Stefan Th. Gries

Mar 5, 2018, 11:52:49 PM3/5/18
to CorpLing with R
Let me first seize this opportunity to remind everyone of a few useful
links (and their content):
- <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/how-to-make-a-great-r-reproducible-example>
- <http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Reproducibility.html>
- and maybe <https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/reprex/index.html>,
which I haven't used myself.

In that spirit:

# define some data
qwe <- structure(list(x = c(0.98332368268674, 0.98332368268674,
2.14415170816445, 2.61317313259988, 3.04701795020266, 3.64502026635785,
4.52443543717429, 5.08726114649681, 5.69698899826288, 5.49765489287782,
5.49765489287782, 4.92310364794441, 4.38372900984366, 3.77400115807759,
3.38705848291836, 2.39038795599305, 2.39038795599305, 1.86273885350318,
1.40544296467863, 0.936421540243196, 1.92136653155761, 3.31670526925304,
4.16094383323683, 5.00518239722061, 5.55628257093225, 6.28326577880718,
6.65848291835553, 7.25648523451071, 8.21797915460336, 8.69872611464968,
9.30845396641575, 8.79253039953677, 8.39386218876665, 8.39386218876665,
7.77240880138969, 7.02197452229299, 6.77573827446439, 6.31844238563984,
6.31844238563984), y = c(5.47882045322487, 5.47882045322487,
4.70223707147008, 4.45514235909355, 4.10214991284137, 4.03155142359094,
3.64325973271354, 2.54898314933178, 1.87829750145264, 2.12539221382917,
2.26658919233004, 2.26658919233004, 3.07847181871005, 3.07847181871005,
3.53736199883789, 3.78445671121441, 4.87873329459616, 4.87873329459616,
5.30232423009878, 5.83181289947705, 5.58471818710052, 5.23172574084834,
4.59633933759442, 3.25496804183614, 3.11377106333527, 3.67855897733876,
4.73753631609529, 5.65531667635096, 6.50249854735619, 8.19686228936665,
9.00874491574666, 9.43233585124927, 8.83224869262057, 8.16156304474143,
8.16156304474143, 7.06728646135967, 5.40822196397443, 5.40822196397443,
4.63163858221964, 4.63163858221964)), .Names = c("x", "y"))

# visualize
plot(qwe); grid()

# prepare for analysis
y <- qwe$y; x <- qwe$x # original data
splitter <- ifelse(x>=5, "hi", "lo") # breakpoint indicator
summary(model <- lm(y ~ x*splitter)) # fit and summarize the model

# prepare for adding regression lines
PREDICTOR <- seq(1, 9, 0.25) # x-axis values for predictions
PREDICTIONS <- predict( # y-axis values for predictions
splitter=ifelse(PREDICTOR>=5, "hi", "lo")))

# augment visualization
abline(v=5) # add line for where the split occurs
# add regression line(s)


Christoph Ruehlemann

Mar 6, 2018, 4:39:00 AM3/6/18
to corplin...@googlegroups.com
thanks for this, but it seems this graph too plots the two regression lines with an unwanted 'nose', doesn't it (see attachment)?

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Screen Shot 2018-03-06 at 10.35.10.png

Alex Perrone

Mar 6, 2018, 8:48:27 AM3/6/18
to corplin...@googlegroups.com
No, it doesn't. Change this line

PREDICTOR <- seq(1, 9, 0.25) # x-axis values for predictions


PREDICTOR <- seq(1, 9, 0.01) # x-axis values for predictions

and re-plot.

Alex Perrone

Mar 6, 2018, 8:49:22 AM3/6/18
to corplin...@googlegroups.com

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 8:48 AM, Alex Perrone <boet...@gmail.com> wrote:
No, it doesn't. Change this line

PREDICTOR <- seq(1, 9, 0.25) # x-axis values for predictions


PREDICTOR <- seq(1, 9, 0.01) # x-axis values for predictions

and re-plot.

Stefan Th. Gries

Mar 6, 2018, 11:25:18 AM3/6/18
to CorpLing with R
Well, even

PREDICTOR <- seq(1, 9, 0.01) # x-axis values for predictions

has that nose, it's 'behind' the vertical abline. The nose is 'the connection' between the first and the second regression line - if you don't have the abline hiding it, just plot them separately:


Christoph Ruehlemann

Mar 8, 2018, 1:58:18 PM3/8/18
to corplin...@googlegroups.com
The nose and the disconnect between the segments may be due to lack of precision in the way the break point is determined.
After re-determining ithe break point for my data based on the method detailed in Crawley (2007: 427), the two segments perfectly connect.

The steps involved are:

1. define a vector "breaks" for potential breaks:
2. run a for loop for piecewise regressions for all potential break points and yank out the minimal residual standard error (mse) for each model:

mse <- numeric(length(breaks))
for(i in 1:length(breaks)){
  piecewise <- lm(V_indep ~ V_dep*(V_dep < breaks[i]) + V_dep*(V_dep >=breaks[i]))
  mse[i] <- summary(piecewise)[6]
mse <- as.numeric(mse)

3. identify the break point with the least mse:


This methodology solved my problem. Perhaps it solves the problem in other data sets too.


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