Wado Image Loader

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Jyotirmay Zamre

Jun 19, 2024, 2:31:48 AM6/19/24
to cornerstone platform
Hi, I've set up an Orthanc server on an EC2 instance (port 8042) and set up nginx as a reverse proxy as well to listen to port 80. I'll attach the config file below. 

My Image Ids are pointing to my EC2IP:80 using this scheme - wadouri:http://EC2IP:80/instances/instance-identifier/file

I am passing the URLS via a Django view and then loading them in the WADO image loader. However, I am getting 400 bad request. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? 


Jyotirmay Zamre

Jun 19, 2024, 2:39:28 AM6/19/24
to cornerstone platform
I am also noticing that in the GET request, port 80 is not being specified even though I've added it to the Image ID. I have no idea how to specify 80 in the GET request from the image loader.

Jyotirmay Zamre

Jun 19, 2024, 2:40:55 AM6/19/24
to cornerstone platform
However, if I change the Image ID to point to port 8042, it gets specified in the GET request.

Jyotirmay Zamre

Jun 19, 2024, 2:56:23 AM6/19/24
to cornerstone platform
So I changed the reverse proxy to listen to 2002, opened up my django app on 2002, and changed the Image ID to wadouri:http://EC2IP/instances/instance-identifier/file and it says connection timed out. I have no idea how to proceed, any help would be appreciated.
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