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OHIF is not loading studylist and images

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Pablo Bravo

Nov 2, 2023, 9:02:11 AM11/2/23
to cornerstone platform

Hello everyone! I'm trying to implement an ohif viewer with Synapse PACS. All I did was the following:

  1. 2 Virtual machines:
  1. Running on docker compose:

'docker-compose.yml' file:

version: "3" services: ohif_viewer: restart: unless-stopped image: ohif/viewer:latest ports: - 3000:80 volumes: ./app-config.js:/usr/share/nginx/html/app-config.js

It creates a container with the file app-config.js mapped directly to the Ubuntu. The OHIF image is the latest on the DockerHub.

  1. Parameters of VMs:
  • Synapse PACS

AETitle Storage: SynapseDicomSCP
AETitle WADO: SynapseWadoSCP

The URLs to check the services are as follows:

WADO Service:
QIDO-RS Service:
WADO-RS Service:

All of these services are up and running. By default, Synapse utilizes an Application Entity (AE) called 'SynapseWadoSCU' for WADO requests. Using other tools I get the study list and studies.

From SSH I edited the app-config.js file with this parameters:

window.config = { routerBasename: '/', extensions: [], modes: [], showStudyList: true, dataSources: [ { namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb', sourceName: 'dicomweb', configuration: { friendlyName: 'dcmjs DICOMWeb Server', name: 'SynapseWadoSCU', wadoUriRoot: '', qidoRoot: '', wadoRoot: '', qidoSupportsIncludeField: true, supportsReject: true, imageRendering: 'wadors', thumbnailRendering: 'wadors', enableStudyLazyLoad: true, supportsFuzzyMatching: true, supportsWildcard: true, omitQuotationForMultipartRequest: true, }, }, ], defaultDataSourceName: 'dicomweb', };

When I try to access (using the port specified in the compose file), the study list doesn't appear. Even when I manually force the URL to, I still only see a black screen.

I also have an insecure DCM4CHEE instance running in a Docker compose, and I've configured the necessary URLs and AE information. With this setup, I can view all the studies without any issues.

I hope this explanation clarifies the configuration. I don't know if I need to edit some other config file or add a proxy sever.

Thank you!

Juan Pablo Bizantino

Nov 2, 2023, 1:00:12 PM11/2/23
to Pablo Bravo, cornerstone platform
Hello Pablo,

Try using the demo PACS before changing the configuration.

Here is the demo config.

If you still receive errors please share the network and console log from your browser (F12). 


Juan Pablo

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