CorePlot/CorePlot.h link error

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the bicycleguy

Aug 26, 2017, 10:12:20 AM8/26/17
to coreplot-discuss
I'm updating a MacOS 10.7 or lower? application to 10.12 and CorePlot release 2.2

I can get the 'Plot Gallery' to run.  However when I add the CorePlot.xcodeproj to my app I can't get it to link into my app.  I have read a bunch of old suggestions and tried with no luck.
Many of the suggestions lack enough clarity to narrow down exactly where I'm supposed to get the link from.

#import <CorePlot/CorePlot.h>

I get 'CorePlot/CorePlot.h' file not found.  If I change it to #import </CorePlot.h> then the #import <CorePlot/CPTDecimalNumberValueTransformer.h> line in CorePlot.h shown below can't be found below.  I'm sure this isn't the way to do this.

Also out of curiosity I searched for TargetConditionals.h , the first line below and couldn't find it on my Mac.  However, if I alter it's name it fails when running the Plot Gallery application.  Whats going on with that?

#import "TargetConditionals.h"


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#import <CorePlot/CPTDecimalNumberValueTransformer.h>


#import <CorePlot/CPTAnimation.h>

#import <CorePlot/CPTAnimationOperation.h>

#import <CorePlot/CPTAnimationPeriod.h>

#import <CorePlot/CPTAnnotation.h>


Thanks for any help.

the bicycleguy

Aug 29, 2017, 6:39:25 PM8/29/17
to coreplot-discuss
After days of experimentation finally found the culprit.  An important little detail was left out of the help file.
CorePlot ships with a 'Debug' and 'Release' configuration:

My app 'Sunrize' had 'Development', Deployment' and 'Default' probably from an old version of Xcode.  So with no common configuration Xcode would not find the CorePlot.h during the build and give no clue as to what was going on.

So the resolution was to add a 'Release' config by simply duplicating the 'Deployment' config I already had.

the bicycleguy

Aug 29, 2017, 6:47:00 PM8/29/17
to coreplot-discuss
Also the other question I had about not finding the "TargetConditionals.h" is because its 'hidden' in a Library.  Forgot about those.
I found it by typing:

 find . -name TargetConditionals.h

in a terminal window in my directory
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