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Matchbox HTTP does not support PUT for groups?

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Aaron Layfield

Jan 20, 2020, 3:19:02 AM1/20/20
to CoreOS User
Matchbox HTTP server doesn't appear to listen for PUT requests for groups. However the CLI and gRPC side seem to both support this: 

Any particular reason for this? 

It's not a huge issue as I can use the RPC client to do what I want to achieve, just wondering if there's an explicit reason for this? 

Dalton Hubble

Jan 20, 2020, 2:13:46 PM1/20/20
to CoreOS User

Yes. Matchbox read-only HTTP API is for machines to access. Matchbox gRPC API is for TLS-client authenticated clients (CLI, gRPC code, Terraform, etc,) to manage configs presented to machines.
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