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viviane lima - * - * -

Mar 18, 2004, 9:38:26 AM3/18/04
to corel.linux.corellinux

When will have a new version about Linux SO from Corel
or Corel Draw for Linux ??

Leon A. Goldstein

Mar 18, 2004, 7:02:40 PM3/18/04
to corel.linux.corellinux

viviane lima - * - * - wrote:

> When will have a new version about Linux SO from Corel
> or Corel Draw for Linux ??

Xandros took over development of Corel Linux.
Take a look at their website
Another easy to install and manage Debian is Libranet.

Leon A. Goldstein

Powered by Libranet 2.8 Debian Linux
System LI

John Boyle

May 6, 2004, 1:15:20 PM5/6/04
to corel.linux.corellinux
To All: Corel HAS come out with a new version, despite Xandros and all
other speculations!!!!

Leon A. Goldstein

May 6, 2004, 6:25:07 PM5/6/04
to corel.linux.corellinux

John Boyle wrote:

Corel as reissued WordPerfect 8 for Linux. I am unaware of any other
Corel Linux product.

susana chico-lappas

Sep 27, 2004, 8:28:56 PM9/27/04
to corel.linux.corellinux

Hello Viviane
Im new in this "forum" I'm from Argentina and my english is terrible,
but I'm anxious for lerning, sorry , know/knowing.. abouta linux- corel.
keep in touch

viviane lima - * - * - escribió:

Leon A. Goldstein

Sep 27, 2004, 9:02:16 PM9/27/04
to corel.linux.corellinux

susana chico-lappas wrote:

Hello: if you like Corel Linux, you can try Xandros, which is the Linux
that was developed from it.
You can download a no-cost version at

The site gives instructions for making a CD from the download.

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