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64 bit cmyk

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Nov 22, 2004, 10:34:20 AM11/22/04
to corel.graphic_apps.cdgs11-draw

Just a quick question to the group. How commonly is 64 bit CMYK used in
your experience? Any problems with these files not being compatible in
Ap' ola prin ipirche o Logos

Mac Townsend

Nov 23, 2004, 2:27:50 PM11/23/04
to corel.graphic_apps.cdgs11-draw

there is no point to this format. (16 bit images, 16x4=64). The file
size is larger and there are no discernable differences when output
between 8-bit and 16-bit images according to Dan margolis, the "guru" in
such things.

some rips cannot process them and it is possible some applications may
npot import them.

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