[Coral] slicing branch

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Andrea Interguglielmi

Feb 28, 2012, 1:59:16 PM2/28/12
to cora...@googlegroups.com
I've pushed the slicing branch, everything seems to be working quite well.

Things left to be done:
- There's still some nodes to finish up. 
- I'll need to put the actual TBB multithreaded code in Node::doUpdate() and add some locks here and there, right now is just single thread.  
- The APIs are meant to change, stuff like updateSlice() or vec3ValuesSlice() are meant to go back to the old signature without the word Slice at the end.

This is a big change for Coral and I won't be merging onto the master branch for a while, until I have done some more extensive tests and demos. 


Nicholas Yue

Feb 29, 2012, 2:36:14 AM2/29/12
to cora...@googlegroups.com
Hi Andrea,

It builds fine out of the box, not sure how you want us to verify
the built code.

It looks the same. Any distinguishing features/attributes in the node ?


Nicholas Yue
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Andrea Interguglielmi

Feb 29, 2012, 2:47:51 AM2/29/12
to cora...@googlegroups.com
That's good, I've also merged the master branch so all the latest fixes you did are already there.

If you search for the word "Slice" you should see a lot of occurrences, and if you want to dig into the implementation details the best places to keep an eye on is Node::doUpdate().
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