Yep, I guess it should be there. Here is one more site with boost libraries for VC: wonder if they are multithreaded... I hope they are at least2012/8/10 Constantine Tarasenkov <> it me or there is no boost_python .lib file?
2012/8/9 Constantine Tarasenkov <>So I finally read the user guide of scons... As I understand, it works only within Visual Studio and use VS compiler? What if I want to build program with use of MinGW-w64? I should use command prompt somehow I guess?
Thank you Constantine for your efforts!
Oh, guys :D There is so many tweaks this and there to compile it properly, but I'm glad that internet is full of useful information. I'll write a step-by-step guide for x32 & x64 systems of windows and share binaries in next few days.Just wrote it so you guys knew that I'll not drop the ball
Thanks, Svenni! It's helped me today, but now I have problems with linker - I don't know how to get Scons to see the file.I tried env["LINK"] = r'"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\amd64\link.exe"' , but it's causes a syntax error, I don't know what to do now (´・_・`)
Спасибо, Юрий! :)2012/8/12 Мешалкин Юрий <>
Thanks, Yuri (again ;) )! It builds properly now. Is there a documentation that would describe steps for compiling scons for python x64?
2012/8/12 Мешалкин Юрий <>
msvcprt.lib(MSVCP100.dll) : error LNK2005: "protected: char * __cdecl std::basic
_streambuf<char,struct std::char_traits<char> >::pptr(void)const " (?pptr@?$basi
c_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IEBAPEADXZ) already defined in Iex.lib(
msvcprt.lib(MSVCP100.dll) : error LNK2005: "protected: char * __cdecl std::basic
_streambuf<char,struct std::char_traits<char> >::eback(void)const " (?eback@?$ba
sic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IEBAPEADXZ) already defined in
msvcprt.lib(MSVCP100.dll) : error LNK2005: "protected: char * __cdecl std::basic
_streambuf<char,struct std::char_traits<char> >::gptr(void)const " (?gptr@?$basi
c_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IEBAPEADXZ) already defined in Iex.lib(
msvcprt.lib(MSVCP100.dll) : error LNK2005: "protected: char * __cdecl std::basic
_streambuf<char,struct std::char_traits<char> >::egptr(void)const " (?egptr@?$ba
sic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IEBAPEADXZ) already defined in
msvcprt.lib(MSVCP100.dll) : error LNK2005: "protected: char * __cdecl std::basic
_streambuf<char,struct std::char_traits<char> >::pbase(void)const " (?pbase@?$ba
sic_streambuf@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@IEBAPEADXZ) already defined in
Creating library coral\_coral.lib and object coral\_coral.exp
coral\_coral.pyd : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols fou
scons: *** [coral\_coral.pyd] Error 1169
scons: building terminated because of errors."What seems to be the officer, problem?"I can't just put "/nodefaultlib:msvcprt" as a linker flag, but also I can't exclude Iex library...
tbb40_20110809oss\lib\intel64\vc10\Intel scares me. I've used amd64 all over the place. Is it normal or it should be recompiled?2012/8/12 Constantine Tarasenkov <>
Ok, I'll do dynamic linking by specifiing "/MDd" as a CXXFLAGS flag. It seems works too2012/8/12 Constantine Tarasenkov <>
Yes, I guess it's a dynamic libraries. I've use those:
I found mention on the internet of LNK2005 error:The library being linked against is expecting a /MT build. If this is a release build, try using /MT instead of /MD for compilationI'm not compiled it so I guess /MD was used. Oh, well...
LOLAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'symlink'
scons: building terminated because of errors., line 121:os.symlink(os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, "coral", sourceCoralLibName), os.path.join(coralLibsDir, targetCoralLibName))
os.symlink(os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, "coral", "coralUi", sourceCoralUiLibName), os.path.join(coralUiLibsDir, targetCoralUiLibName))os.symlink
is only available on Unix and Unix-like operating systems (including the Mac), not Windows.
Where I can change it to release mode?
DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.Very informative, Python, thank you :DIs there a way to determine which exactly he looking for?
It's so frustrating, when you don't know where your mistake is and how to debug it.
It's so frustrating, when you don't know where your mistake is and how to debug it.
Still doesn't run. It can't find libraries that already in place. The most strange thing is that in main or SDK folders there is no .lib files, only .pyd.Here is the log after "successful" building:c:\coral-repo>scons -f build-sdk=1
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
* Coral Build: imported
* Building standalone dev tree in debug mode
* Install Dir = c:\coral-repo\build\coralStandaloneBuild
* Build Sdk = true
* Sdk Install Dir = c:\coral-repo\build\coralStandaloneBuild\sdk
* Using parallel computation: CORAL_PARALLEL_TBB
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
postBuildAction(["postBuildTarget"], ["coral\_coral.pyd", "coralUi\_coralUi.pyd"
, "imath\Imath.pyd"])
* Building sdk...
scons: done building targets.If someone built standalone before, - is it should be so? I just don't know what to think
Well, I guess the only way here is statically compile libraries, one by one, and check if it's help...