Hi Angelo,
here my minor comments.
- model looks pretty straight forward and I assume they just put in irreversible mass action kinetics for all the reactions listed in Tab1.
- initial conditions are not given consistently: I would assume everything is 0. Then you set for the different experiments the initial concentrations given in Tab2.
- make sure the units are correct on your model and make sure you set the right units for your species. I.e. you can see the rate constants given in [1/(M*s)] = [L/mole/s]. So your time units should be seconds and your species units mole/L. So you have to set initial conditions e.g. for Fe2+ as 28.8E-6 M (28.8 µM).
- the rate units provided in the table are [1/(M*s) * M * M) = M/s; but should be mole/s; So either the provided units in Tab1 for k are wrong, or you have to make sure to get the units right by scaling with the volume: J0: Fe2 + H2O2 -> ...; J0 = k0*V * [Fe2] * [H2O2] [1/(M*s) * L * M * M] = [mole/s]
- I am pretty sure they messed up handling the volumes/units/amounts/concentrations correctly, so will be difficult to get the model to reproduce. You should request access to the ODE system in the programming language they have and work from the code instead from the provided information in the manuscript (which is patchy and not completely clear.
Best M