Boolean Logic Modeling in COPASI

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Anamul Haque

May 2, 2023, 12:33:56 PM5/2/23
to COPASI User Forum
Hi All,
Say I have 5 species = A, B, C, D, E
Reaction Rules - 
=> A
=> B

A => C

B => D

C & !D => E

E => C44

These rules follow Boolean logic,  & stand for AND, ! stands for inhibition, => indicates activation/inhibition.

1. In MATLAB, I have the following ODEs

function dydt=Toy_NetfluxODE(t,y,params)
A = 1;
B = 2;
C = 3;
D = 4;
E = 5;
dydt = zeros(5,1);
dydt(A) = (rpar(1,1)*ymax(A) - y(A))/tau(A);
dydt(B) = (rpar(1,2)*ymax(B) - y(B))/tau(B);
dydt(C) = (OR(act(y(A),rpar(:,3)),act(y(E),rpar(:,6)))*ymax(C) - y(C))/tau(C);
dydt(D) = (act(y(B),rpar(:,4))*ymax(D) - y(D))/tau(D);
dydt(E) = (AND(rpar(:,5),act(y(C),rpar(:,5)),inhib(y(D),rpar(:,5)))*ymax(E) - y(E))/tau(E); 

2. act, inhib, AND, OR are described by the following utility function -

% utility functions
function fact = act(x,rpar)
% hill activation function with parameters w (weight), n (Hill coeff), EC50
    w = rpar(1);
    n = rpar(2);
    EC50 = rpar(3);
    beta = (EC50.^n - 1)./(2*EC50.^n - 1);
    K = (beta - 1).^(1./n);
    fact = w.*(beta.*x.^n)./(K.^n + x.^n);
    if fact>w,                 % cap fact(x)<= 1
        fact = w;
function finhib = inhib(x,rpar)
% inverse hill function with parameters w (weight), n (Hill coeff), EC50
    finhib = rpar(1) - act(x,rpar);
function z = OR(x,y)
% OR logic gate
    z = x + y - x*y;
function z = AND(rpar,varargin)
% AND logic gate, multiplying all of the reactants together
    w = rpar(1);
    if w == 0,
        z = 0;
        v = cell2mat(varargin);
        z = prod(v)/w^(nargin-2);  

3. The parameters are

function [params,y0] = Toy_NetfluxODE_loadParams()
% species parameters
speciesNames = {'A','B','C','D','E',};
tau = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ];
ymax = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ];
% reaction parameters
w = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, ];
n = [1.400000e+00, 1.400000e+00, 1.400000e+00, 1.400000e+00, 1.400000e+00, 1.400000e+00, ];
EC50 = [5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, 5.000000e-01, ];
rpar = [w;n;EC50];
params = {rpar,tau,ymax,speciesNames};
y0 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]; 

I have two questions -

1. How to use these logical rules in writing reactions (AND/OR/NOT). COPASI only allows writing in +/-/! ?

2. How to write my own rate laws using those above utility functions?

Thank you to the creators of COPASI. It is an excellent piece of software for novices like me.

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