Events: Android, Brainstorm, & Others

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Tony Bacigalupo

Feb 9, 2008, 7:04:49 PM2/9/08
to nextnydigital, cooperBricolage
Hi folks!

A few notes and calls for help on planning for upcoming events:

1. Android Developer Workshop

Several people have been expressing interest in holding another one of these sometime soon. Does anyone have space to offer for roughly 15 of us? I can secure a space but will need sponsorship money to make it possible ($170 total, same as last time). I will contact Jeff and Sean, who were kind enough to sponsor the last event.

2. CooBric Brainstorm

The situation for this is pretty much the same as above; Matt Cooperrider was able to secure a space at Kaplan for the last one, but I believe that is no longer an option.

Would anyone like to help find or donate space?

3. Diggnation Meetup - Tuesday, 2/12 - Lunasa Bar

My friend Mike is organizing this event, which celebrates its first anniversary this week. If you're a fan of TechDrinks, this is very much in the same vein. A fun, relaxed happy hour and a great opportunity to make some friends.

More details here:

Thanks guys!

Sanford Dickert

Feb 10, 2008, 4:00:32 PM2/10/08
to, nextnydigital
Tony - give me dates and times and I can see what is possible at Cooper.

On 2/9/08, Tony Bacigalupo <> wrote:
> Hi folks!
> A few notes and calls for help on planning for upcoming events:

> 1. *Android Developer Workshop
> *Several people have been expressing interest in holding another one of

> these sometime soon. Does anyone have space to offer for roughly 15 of us? I
> can secure a space but will need sponsorship money to make it possible ($170
> total, same as last time). I will contact Jeff and Sean, who were kind
> enough to sponsor the last event.

> 2. *CooBric Brainstorm*

> The situation for this is pretty much the same as above; Matt Cooperrider
> was able to secure a space at Kaplan for the last one, but I believe that is
> no longer an option.
> Would anyone like to help find or donate space?

> 3. *Diggnation Meetup - Tuesday, 2/12 - Lunasa Bar*

Tony Bacigalupo

Feb 11, 2008, 9:41:27 AM2/11/08
to, nextnydigital
Looking at Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday of next week, around 7:00.

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