small amounts

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Heather Lalley

Jun 29, 2010, 8:40:52 AM6/29/10
So, last year I received a full box of produce every week and I was drowning in vegetables. This year, though, we're sharing with another family. Which means the quantity is much more manageable. But now I'm finding myself with fairly small amount of some things -- a couple of radishes, a couple of scapes, a little cauliflower. 

Do you guys have any favorite ways to use small quantities of produce? I was thinking I might set up a little "salad bar" for dinner and just roast & chop some of what I've got.

Any other bright ideas?


Harriet Wood Bowden

Jun 29, 2010, 8:47:36 AM6/29/10
That sounds like a good idea. You can also mix together some things, like mixed greens or mixed steamed veggies, and serve them as a single dish.

Another idea (if your partners are willing) instead of splitting the box evenly each week, is alternating weeks who gets the whole box.

Or you could try splitting up the share each week but a different way. Instead of dividing each item in half, you could take turns picking items. I pick spinach, you pick broccoli, etc. (and you can alternate who picks first each week to be fair!)

Good luck!


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Heather Lalley

Jun 29, 2010, 8:54:05 AM6/29/10
Those are some great tips. Thank you!



Jun 29, 2010, 4:55:04 PM6/29/10
to Cooking Away My CSA
Ditto what Harriet said, you might want to swap who gets what items.
We had the same issue as you when we split with someone else in the
past. Less overall food, but not enough of the food you want!

On Jun 29, 8:54 am, Heather Lalley <> wrote:
> Those are some great tips. Thank you!
> Heather
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Harriet Wood Bowden <>wrote:
> > That sounds like a good idea. You can also mix together some things, like
> > mixed greens or mixed steamed veggies, and serve them as a single dish.
> > Another idea (if your partners are willing) instead of splitting the box
> > evenly each week, is alternating weeks who gets the whole box.
> > Or you could try splitting up the share each week but a different way.
> > Instead of dividing each item in half, you could take turns picking items. I
> > pick spinach, you pick broccoli, etc. (and you can alternate who picks first
> > each week to be fair!)
> > Good luck!
> > Harriet
> > On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Heather Lalley <>wrote:
> >> So, last year I received a full box of produce every week and I was
> >> drowning in vegetables. This year, though, we're sharing with another
> >> family. Which means the quantity is much more manageable. But now I'm
> >> finding myself with fairly small amount of some things -- a couple of
> >> radishes, a couple of scapes, a little cauliflower.
> >> Do you guys have any favorite ways to use small quantities of produce? I
> >> was thinking I might set up a little "salad bar" for dinner and just roast &
> >> chop some of what I've got.
> >> Any other bright ideas?
> >> Cheers,
> >> Heather
> >>
> >> --
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> >> "Cooking Away My CSA" group.
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> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >><cooking-away-my-csa%2Bunsu>
> >> .
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>
> >  --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Cooking Away My CSA" group.
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> ><cooking-away-my-csa%2Bunsu>
> > .

April F.

Jul 16, 2010, 7:12:09 PM7/16/10
to Cooking Away My CSA
I've been making lots of stir fries with my CSA vegetables. The March
issue of Food Network Magazine had a fantastic stir fry feature (which
I have, unfortunately, not been able to find online). It recommends a
ratio of 1 pound of meat to 3 cups chopped vegetables in any
combination, along with sauce. You could easily skip the meat and
just do veggies. I make one at least once a week to use up whatever
stray vegetables are left. Indian curries would be another take on
this, as the same principle applies, and the spices tie it all

Some weeks I wish we had shared a box too, but still dealing with a
large box for my family of 3 (2 of whom refuse to eat squash). Look
forward to hearing more ideas!

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