which target do you execute? "ant jar" should just work fine.
The dist folder shouldn't get deleted unless you call the cleanup target.
I just ran the target with the very same OS, Java and Ant versions, and
"ant zip" works without any problems. The cleanup gets called before the
compilation, thereafter the whole structure, including the "dist"
directory is created. That's where you should find the zip file.
> Another problem is: I failed to run the application after building.
> The error message is:
> ----------------------------
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: se/kth/cid/
> conzilla/app/ConzillaAPP
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> se.kth.cid.conzilla.app.ConzillaAPP
Be careful about upper/lower case. The class is called ConzillaApp (not
What's the problem with javaws on 64-bit? Could you send the error
messages or console output?
How does your classpath look like?
Which Java are you running? Version, vendor, etc.
Currently the JNLP file is made according to JNLP spec version 1.5.
Which ant target are you actually executing? If I run "ant zip" all
directories which don't exist are created, including the "dist" directory.
I tried to, but I didn't succeed yet with reproducing the problems you
are facing.
> exaos@memes:~/Downloads/Sources/conzilla % cat bin/run_conzilla.sh
This file hasn't been updated for quite some time because the webstart
version is the only supported method of deployment right now. If you add
all files in the lib directory to the classpath in the shell script it
should work.
I will try to reproduce this problem in a 64-bit Ubuntu VM.