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setting up

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Mate Toth

Apr 1, 2008, 10:45:44 AM4/1/08
to Conzilla
Hi all!

I want to use this tool as a mind-map software. As I read I need a sg
like a conzilla registration and space.

Where I can registrate, or is there any other solution to use it (I
not need the collaboration feature) and create maps.

The software cool but I think the setting-up process should be

Thx - Mate

Hannes Ebner

Apr 3, 2008, 6:48:15 AM4/3/08
to Conzilla
Hi Mate,

On Apr 1, 4:45 pm, Mate Toth <> wrote:
> I want to use this tool as a mind-map software. As I read I need a sg
> like a conzilla registration and space.
> Where I can registrate, or is there any other solution to use it (I
> not need the collaboration feature) and create maps.

If you do not intend to use the collaboration feature you can just run
it without configuring this part. If Conzilla asks you to configure
the collaboration settings you can just click on "Don't ask me again".
You should configure a personal namespace though. This is done by
clicking on "Settings" -> "Collaboration" and then choosing the tab
"Personal Information".

> The software cool but I think the setting-up process should be
> shorter.

Which part of the setting-up process do you mean? The installation or
the configuration?

Best regards,
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