Positive experience at Conversio Virium; permission to share publicly is granted

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Jun 8, 2010, 4:52:21 AM6/8/10
to convers...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,

Recently, I came across this really wonderful account of positive experiences at Conversio Virium. I don't know this person, but I sent them a message asking if it would be okay for someone at CV to republish the account. The person gave me permission to post the following publicly and anonymously:

> By far, my best experience with the kink scene came when I was living in NYC and attending Columbia University's BDSM group, Conversio Virium (CV). Here is what I liked about CV:
> 1. There was a minimum of open drama between group members. Most people got along decently. Some people may not have cared for each other, but that was all kept private and not forced upon any uninvolved party.
> 2. The group was not oriented around "dressing up" or flouting various roles. Almost everyone always attended in street clothes. The group had frequent educational presentations intended to enhance participants' sexual literacy and ability to engage in polymorphous perverse pleasures. I briefly attended a different NYC group where, when we first introduced ourselves, we were encouraged to state our BDSM "role" (top bottom switch etc.). I'm not much for rigid and unchanging role definitions, so this kind of turned me off. The Columbia group was mostly about learning different BDSM techniques and, for those who were interested, finding willing partners with whom to practice these techniques and experience pleasure. I did not meet any couples, when attending CV, where I felt unwillingly dragged into their power exchange role play simply by virtue of casually conversing with them.
> 3. Most people in the Columbia group had robust interests outside of BDSM and a decent ability to listen and empathize. There were not many of these tiresome types who proclaim themselves the world's best dominant (or submissive), brag interminably about their sexual exploits, and treat others as nothing more than instruments for their sexual gratification. Most participants had good hygiene, spoke fluidly, and were respectful of the preferences and boundaries of other participants. I have, unfortunately, found these traits to be lacking in other groups.

If anyone at Conversio Virium is interested in republishing this in any way, feel free to do so. I'd personally love to see it up on the CV Website somewhere. Anyone have an opinion on where it should go?

Blog: http://maybemaimed.com
Talk show: http://KinkOnTap.com
Community: http://KinkForAll.org
Volunteering: http://ConversioVirium.org/author/maymay

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