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Re: [ControlTier] Error while trying example Continuous Deployment Example with Tomcat; Cannot create the instance, because the type does not exist: CruiseControlZip

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Anthony Shortland

Aug 29, 2012, 10:58:42 AM8/29/12
Seems you missed an earlier step where the CruiseControlZip type was created ... might be because you haven't added the Elements modules to your project.

This module library was included by default for new project prior to 3.6, but needs to be explicitly added as of that version.


On Aug 29, 2012, at 7:07 AM, Vivek <> wrote:

I am trying Continuous Deployment Example with Tomcat on Ubuntu server and struck in the step to upload apache and cruisecontrol file in repository.
While executing commands given in tutorial
ctl -p demo -m zip -c upload -- -filename pkgs/ -xml templates/
and ctl -p demo -m zip -c upload -- -filename pkgs/ -xml templates/
I am getting following errorneous output
Puted 1 file to http://01hw394566:8080/jackrabbit/repository/controltier/pkgs/demo/CruiseControlZip/zips/
Loading "/home/nielsen/ctier/examples/continuous-deployment/" ...
1 file(s) have been successfully validated.
Processing /home/nielsen/ctier/examples/continuous-deployment/ to /home/nielsen/ctier/ctl/var/tmp/projectxml-1274755048.xml
Loading stylesheet /home/nielsen/ctier/ctl/projects/demo/modules/ProjectBuilder/lib/load-resources/projectxml/project.xsl
Mapping XML to properties ...
[timer: 0.185 sec]
Batching new object creation requests ...
[timer: 1.076 sec]
Executing batched new object creation for 1 objects ...
Error: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/nielsen/ctier/ctl/modules/Package/commands/upload.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/nielsen/ctier/ctl/modules/Package/bin/upload.xml:111: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/nielsen/ctier/ctl/modules/Package/commands/register.xml:31: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/nielsen/ctier/ctl/projects/demo/modules/ProjectBuilder/commands/load-resources.xml:20: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/nielsen/ctier/ctl/projects/demo/modules/ProjectBuilder/lib/load-resources/projectxml/antlib.xml:1039: Error performing server request: Error populating bean: Failed storing object:[CruiseControlZip]. Reason: Failed creating ResourceEntity: Cannot create the instance, because the type does not exist: CruiseControlZip
Please guide me to resolve this error.

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