I got a cheap drill press and x & y axis machining vice I use ubuntu & I don't know how to get the pdf templates to print 1 inch.

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joshua w.

Dec 6, 2009, 11:49:09 AM12/6/09
to Contraptor
I got a cheap drill press and x & y axis machining vice I use ubuntu &
I don't know how to get the pdf templates to print 1 inch. mine is
2/16ths off.

Riley Porter

Dec 6, 2009, 11:55:49 AM12/6/09
to contr...@googlegroups.com

Yah this is a problem with printers and printer drivers.  I have made templates that I have laser cut to .0001 accuracy :)  Since you are so active in the community let me get your address and I will send you some to test out.  If I dont say so myself they "&#C*ing" rock.  No joke I can get almost spot on every time.  

The other trick is to use a guide 1/4 drill bit.  Its has a little tip at the point that helps you feed it right into the hold.  I will start selling these templates soon enough but would you test them for Vit and I?


Riley Porter
Sr. Network Security Engineer

Offensive Security - OSCP
CCNA, Security+
ACSA - Arcsight Security Analyst

joshua wojnas

Dec 7, 2009, 2:24:05 AM12/7/09
to contr...@googlegroups.com
That is awesome of you, I am approaching the printing problems for the
community in a few ways. Adobe viewer is said to have a print to scale
& printer drivers that can print to scale.
I am downloading adobe reader .deb packages for ubuntu linux maby that
can be a free way non open surce way to print them.

system admin printing is the ubuntu C.U.P.S. printer drivers that may
be able to be played with with a pull down menu for that kind of
printing kicad a open source circuit design software has a active
group of developers who may print their paper transfers and they do
things to size so let me ask them. I sent my boards out. i do not have
a printer so I can not get to those options now.

if you want to send me lazor print outs that %783 rock i am all about
that. I also ordered the full hardware not electronics kit and am
waiting for that to be done and sent.

let me finish the 2.5Amp driver boards that I am designing for the
contraptor that will be my gift to the community then you can send me
the lazor things and i won't feel I didn't contribute.

thanks for your time,
Joshua Wojnas
315 5071070
My webpages on electronics
... comming soon

Vitaly Mankevich

Dec 7, 2009, 3:12:05 AM12/7/09
to contr...@googlegroups.com
You could also try printing SVG files from Inkscape and seeing if that
makes any diff, but since Riley's sending you templates, that should
be better and faster as it doesn't involve attaching/removing

A 2.5A microstepping board powered by a computer power supply would be awesome!

joshua wojnas

Dec 7, 2009, 3:27:53 AM12/7/09
to contr...@googlegroups.com
servo magazine has the article & the data sheet for the A3979 will be
what I will model the schematic from I will try to send the data sheet
and model the power connections to the computer power supply ones nice
job reprap people.
I tried qcad with the dxf file & inkscape. qcad gave me super small
output. inkscape gave me the same cups interface so it made me think
if i had a printer here system administrator printer & messing with
the menus their that they do not show since I do not have a printer
would allow me to set that maby. But non open source adobe reader
seems documented I posted what I found their in the groups. maby that
should go in the faq or template instructions if ether or both work.

joshua wojnas

Dec 7, 2009, 3:29:57 AM12/7/09
to contr...@googlegroups.com
for some reason I thought EMC2 linux cnc would work better than the
arduino for that especially since some comps at my dads were not even
able to keep up with the minimum bench mark tests.

The bigger power supply would be nice the 1/16th micro step I like for
making the contraptor quieter and smoother & more precise I hope.

Vitaly Mankevich

Dec 7, 2009, 11:26:18 AM12/7/09
to contr...@googlegroups.com
That sounds good. One thing though, if you're going to be using the
schematic from the magazine, it would be good to know if it's open
source and whether it can be used for commercial purposes.

joshua wojnas

Dec 7, 2009, 2:19:45 PM12/7/09
to contr...@googlegroups.com
Well I would not be using the pic micro controler or the interface
chip max232 and what is left is selected resistors and capacitors that
match the data sheet. Well are filled in vareables for the data sheets
calculations. They would match up if you fallowed the datasheet. The
layout will still be done by me and different chip footprint so you
can't go by pin number. It is servo magazine the super motor driver or


It is mostly the data sheet schematic with the values of the support
parts picked out.

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