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Mini CNC Beta Kit stock? make from raw materials

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Oct 21, 2010, 1:58:12 PM10/21/10
to Contraptor
Hey all,

I've just managed to get the money together to either buy the Mini CNC
subset kit, or to buy the raw materials and make one.

The site says 'out of stock' when i try to buy the Mini CNC, so has
anyone made one from raw materials (angle aluminum, etc)? Does it end
up costing more than the Mini CNC subset?

I'll try to put together the cost now, so maybe i can answer (one of)
my own questions.


joshua wojnas

Oct 21, 2010, 2:07:56 PM10/21/10
I would contact the people who are making the kit. It would save you a lot of time getting it. If you value your time then how can you only count the cost of raw materials.
thanks for your time,
Joshua Wojnas
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Alexander Ray

Oct 21, 2010, 2:14:24 PM10/21/10
college student -> i dont value my time very much :-)  Really what matters is that I keep making rent, so the only way I can justify a hobby like this would be to be as cheap as possible.

I also enjoy spending time in the metal shop, so i wouldn't mind making the parts.

I just finished building all of my motor drivers and I have my motors, so I'm getting eager to start building the body.


joshua wojnas

Oct 21, 2010, 2:19:09 PM10/21/10
well if you look at the google sketchup model getting google sketchup to work in ubuntu wine can take a bit.
then you can give the parts numbers A.1.2 for example like the dewie decimal system and only drill the nessisary holes.
I am shure even as a basic cnc this kit could be useful.
I assembled most of it from the kit. try to be as percise as possible.

Riley Porter

Oct 21, 2010, 3:19:59 PM10/21/10
Making the angle accurately is very very very difficult.  Bets bet is to find something like peg board or get something laser cut as a guide.  Its how I do it.  However i own a laser cutter.


On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:58 PM, ajray <> wrote:

Alexander Ray

Oct 21, 2010, 6:44:55 PM10/21/10
Fortunately being a college student at an engineering university has it's advantages.  As silly as it sounds I *could* get it cut on one of our 4-axis CNC mills, but thanks for the warning, I'll have to make sure whatever I do is very accurate.

I have (some) access to industrial-quality fabrication equipment, but it involves me scheduling time and working with grad students/faculty and its time consuming.  I also won't have access after I graduate, so I'm trying to use my (temporary) access to CNCs to make a CNC that's permanently mine.


PS I am a fan of Synthetos! Woo!

Vitaly Mankevich

Oct 21, 2010, 10:43:04 PM10/21/10
Hi Alex,

Making angle accurately may be difficult, but you don't really have to
make it accurate, your holes could be as much as 1/32" off their
intended locations - the set was designed with plenty of error
tolerance so it could be made without precision tools and still work.
I made most of the original set manually without even a drill press -
it works fine.

A lasercut template to start off is a good idea as it makes things easier.


Riley Porter

Oct 21, 2010, 11:49:51 PM10/21/10
Vit is right.. However.. just to be clear...  1/32 off TOTAL is your possible offset.. so it compounds.. over and over etc..

So laser cut template is the best.  Do you guys think they would sell if I stated selling them on the ?

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